
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Profoundly Loved Blog Party q&a...

That sweet as sugar gal, Jessica, from Chronically Vintage
very kindly nominated me to take part in
The Profoundly Loved Blog Party.
I am to answer these 7 questions
and then nominate some others to answer them as well.
This is the first of that sort of thing I've been involved in so bear with me! ;)
1. Tell me about something you love and why?


 A nice hot cup of tea with plenty of cream (well, half & half actually) in a pretty cup.
It's relaxation in a cup that's why!

Image Source
2. What is one thing you do that makes you feel like "I could do this forever"?

 Investing in the lives of little ones.

I don't have any children of my own,
{I would absolutely love to have some one day, if the Lord wills!}
but I have 2 nieces & 3 nephews (& 1 little stranger on the way!) that I dearly love.
I'm also very involved with the little ones at my church.
A friend & I lead the children's choir,
and I help with the Jr. Youth Group which consists of young'uns ages 5 to 12.
I've always had a great fondness for children.
{Perhaps because I can act rather like one still, myself!} ;)
One's involvement in children's lives can have such a dramatic impact whether for good or bad.
I'm just so thankful to be able to do anything I can to encourage these wee ones
to love the Lord their God with all their heart. They're only little for a very short time.

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3. What do you love about yourself?
 I'm a helper!

I've been told (& I think I agree) that God has given me the gift of helps or serving.
I just thoroughly enjoy helping out or serving other people. It gives me great joy!
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Let me wash your dishes for you!
Are you just plumb tuckered after working all day? Sit down, I'll fix you a cup of coffee!
You're moving into a new home? Let me help you paint!

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4. What advice would you give to someone who doesn’t believe he/she is beautiful?

Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.
In my experience the people I find the most lovely may not always have the most attractive physical attributes. What makes them beautiful to me is their kindness, caring concern for others, & love.
Oft times a technically good looking person can appear downright ugly to me if they're completely filled with selfishness. Those only concerned with themselves with little to no thought for the well being of others in their path are hideous to me. Here are a couple verses that I think of in this matter:

"What is desirable in a man is his kindness" Proverbs 19:22a

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

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5. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received about confidence?

"What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?"
Romans 8:31
Ya can't get much more confidence than that!

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6. If you were your own daughter/son, what important things would you tell yourself/them?

Wow, it's really hard to think of just one thing...
After some consideration what leaps to mind is
"Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe."
Proverbs 29:25

We had a study on this subject once & one statement that the teacher made really stuck with me.
It was something like this: If we fear God then there is nothing else to fear.
(Fearing God meaning reverential respect & obedience.)
I would want my son or daughter (or me!) not to fear anything or anyone on this Earth.
Safe in the knowledge that they were bought with the precious blood of Christ,
and no one can snatch them (me) out of His hand.
(Which really ties in with the question 5's answer too!)

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7. A verse, poem, sonnet, ancient-old proverb that inspires you to love yourself and others?
 Well I've already shared oodles of verses! haha! Here is a terrific passage on love.
 1 John 4:7-11
 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God;
and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.  
In this the love of God was manifested toward us,
that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world,
that we might live through Him.  
In this is love, not that we loved God,
but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

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Well that's all folks as far as the q&a goes.
Now I'm supposed to nominate a few more people to take part in this par-tay!
I'd like to nominate:

Lily of Mode de Lis

Sarah of Lilacs and Springtime

Stephanie of The Enchanting Rose

Now gals, if this just isn't your thing & you don't want to participate - no sweat!
It won't hurt my feelings at all if you don't want to do this.
But, if you do I can't wait to read your answers!

Have a lovely day, my friends.

{Click on photos for Pinterest source.}


  1. Wow! Your post has been inspiring and educating for me today. Knowing you as I do I can heartily testify to your answers as being wholly you. And I always feel so blessed to be your friend. I shall try to emulate you!

    1. Thank you, Debbie! You've been such a blessing to me & my family as well, dear friend.

  2. That was lovely to read. You remind me a lot of my daughter. And I love a lot of the things you do.
    (especially tea!)
    Lovely. Thank you.xx

  3. Such a pretty post, dearest Miss Michelle! I love all the paintings you used, especially the one of the lady sipping tea (from a beautiful tea cup of course)!
    It was lovely getting to know you a little more through your answers and you encouraged me with your love for our precious Lord!
    Sending you a hug today and ever so much love!

  4. Beautiful post! and that first picture of the gal sipping tea at first I actually thought was you! Love ya, Beth

    1. Thanks Beth! That's funny because Mom & a few other people thought it was me too! :D

  5. Thank you for the nomination Michelle! You are such a sweet friend. : ) I enjoyed reading your answers to these questions, it was a pleasure to get to know you better. The love of Jesus shines through you!


  6. Sweet dear, your answers are fantastic and paint such a beautiful picture of the caring, wise, giving, generous, talented, friendly, lovely soul that you are. Thank you very much for taking part and for your kind words about me (*blush!*). I'm delighted that you did and really enjoyed getting to know you ever better. I completely agree that you have a gift for connecting with/serving/helping others and thing that is a truly amazing quality to possess, especially in this day and age.

    Huge hugs.
    ♥ Jessica

    1. I really enjoyed answering these questions. It was good to sort of force me to think through some of these things.

  7. Your answers are SO perfect, Michelle!! I need to get my post written about this - it's getting harder and harder to do as I see others' answers that are so apt! :)
    I enjoyed reading this very much! It's always nice to "get to know" a person better, as Sarah said! You have a wonderful testimony, Michelle! :)

    1. Thanks Esther! Oh, I hear ya! I didn't read any one else's answers (apart from Jessica's of course) until I had filled mine out. I was afraid it might make it too hard to come up with purely personal answers! haha! :) I can't wait to read your answers!

  8. Oh dear! I never responded to this before....! Thank you so very much for the nomination, Michelle! I don't think I'll get around to doing it, but I did very much enjoy your answers- you are so sweet and your blog is always such a wonderful outflowing of that! :-)

    1. Well, thank you, Lily! :) I totally understand if you don't get around to answering the ?s. It's no biggie at all. :D


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