
Thursday, April 16, 2015

april showers & flowers...

Well, Spring has officially sprung in my neck of the woods!
They {the woods} are just bursting with new life!
I always anxiously await the appearance of my favorite little woodland flower -
Dutchman's Britches {or Breeches actually but we always pronounced it the other way}.
They are related to Bleeding Hearts which I've always been fond of as well. Note how the middle stem is slightly more pink that the others & these blooms have the slightest pink tinge as well. Interesting, n'est-ce pas?
When I was a little girl I thought they were called London Bridges & figured these sweet flowers must be what that song was all about! ;)
Don't they just look like little fairies' drawers hung out to dry?

Here is a wee "forest" of May Apples 
like so many little umbrellas opening to shield small animals from Spring showers. 
Next month they will have a little fruit (hence their name) under their foliage.
The fruit is edible, though I never have tried. Maybe I will this year! I have a field guide on edible wild plants for my area, and they suggest making a jam or jelly from them.
It's worth a try!

I ventured deeper into the woods to get some more photos.

One must wear their wellies this time of the year! 

I believe these are called Bloodroot
They are named this because the liquid inside their stem is red at the root. I'll have you know I had to get a little to close for comfort to a spider to get that shot, so you had better enjoy it!
You're welcome. ;)
To my extreme delight, while I was deep in the forest, it started to rain ever so softly.

There was no way I could capture the pure enchantment of the sweet Springtime shower with photos alone. Thankfully my camera also has a video option! So here is my first attempt as a videographer. :)

If you look closely at the photo above you can see a bumblebee enjoying something sweet from a Dutchman's Breeches bloom. Bumblebees are such cute little fuzzy creatures. I had the hardest time getting a pic of the little stinker! As soon as I got close enough for a good shot she was off again buzzing near & far. Mostly far because I lost sight of her after this shot was taken.
These next photos were taken a day later around the yard.
That morning we were blessed with another lovely April shower that moved on as quickly & quietly as it had appeared and left a glorious sunshiny day. I was even able to hang out my wash!
That sort of weather always makes me think of the song Perfect Day
from The World of Peter Rabbit & Friends. I actually found a CD of that soundtrack on eBay. It came free with a VHS of The Tale of Peter Rabbit. I just love the music from those sweet cartoons so I was elated to find it. {For a great deal too which always makes me happy!}

Beautiful cherry blossoms against a blue sky.
This is an old cherry tree & the cherries are quite too high to reach.
They're very small too so they'd be quite a chore to pit with not much to show for you efforts.
The birdies put them to good use though! :)
The tree grows right by the chicken pen so whatever cherries happen to fall to the ground are immediately devoured by a frenzy of squawking foul.
It's more entertaining than most things on the telly I can assure you! ;)

These daffodils above were a birthday gift last year from my dear friend Taylor Ella.
She knows that daffs are my favorite Springtime bulb. They're just so sunshiny!
These little wild violets grow simply everywhere around our yard in the Spring.

These little cuties are now on my bedside table.
"So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD.
His going forth is as certain as the dawn;
And He will come to us like the rain,
Like the spring rain watering the earth."
Hosea 6:3
Also, I was featured on the Modest Fashion Network again - this time front and center!
You can read the post here.
Thank you MFN!


What's your favorite Springtime flower?
Do you enjoy a lovely April shower?
Have you seen those Beatrix Potter cartoons?

{Photos by Yours Truly}


  1. You live in a beautiful area, dear Miss Michelle... We are also blessed to live near a forest and it is so delightful to observe the new growth each season and go walking with the dogs...
    But what lovely blooms and plants you found - I really enjoyed all your photographs and taking a little glimpse into your life!
    Oh yes, Beatrix Potter's Tale of Peter Rabbit is so adorable and I actually love all her stories! I never tire of looking at the pictures and reading the sweet stories of the woodland creatures!
    It can be quite funny reading how 'spring has sprung' as autumn has arrived here in South Africa and the chilly days are fast approaching!
    Hope your day has been just splendid!
    Much love and hugs to you always,

    1. Thank you, sweet Kelly-Anne! Aren't forests just wonderful? :)
      I didn't realize you lived in South Africa - how interesting!
      I did have a lovely day, my dear!
      I wish you the same,
      Michelle ^_^

  2. Your space is just beautiful Michelle...I was led here by Sandra from Ravenhill Cottage and I am delighted to meet you :0) What a lovely spring rain you were enjoying :0) Here spring comes with gusty winds and quite a bit of frost still...the mountains is where I call home . mari

    1. Thank you so much, Mari, and welcome! It's so nice to meet you as well. :)
      I'd love to visit some mountains one day...
      We did drive through some in Pennsylvania once on the way out to Massachusetts on vacation. They were so beautiful & picturesque dotted with well kept little farms.

  3. You are a kindred spirit, my dear! I LOVE those animated Beatrix Potter stories!! A little too much, I'm afraid. And the music that goes with them is heavenly! I recognized the music in your sweet little rain video right away!

    Those Dutchman's Breeches are precious! I love Bleeding Hearts, although they are so short-lived. But wow, do they live while they're in bloom!

    About the April showers, I could use a tad less of them right now, as I have 2 rose bushes I'd like to move. Oh, well, the opportunity will come when it comes.

    Loving your blog, dear Michelle!

    1. Oh goodie, another fan of the BP cartoons! The music is indeed heavenly as you said. :)

      When I was a little girl my best friend's mom had a lovely garden with oodles of Bleeding Hearts. She taught us how to pull apart the blooms to make little ladies curtsying. I thought they were so magical! :)

      Oh boy! Sometimes we can seem to get a bit too much rain, can't we.... I hope you'll be able to get your roses moved soon!

      So happy to have you here, Kimberly! :D

    2. Oodles of Bleeding Hearts?? Whoa! Now that's a goal to shoot for!

      Michelle, you might also like the Wind in the Willows series. Here's a snippet of one episode on YouTube. It's awesome! I just ordered the entire set from England (I have a region-free dvd player, so they'll work here). You can only get part of the set here in America. I love that show! So sweet and lots of fun! Anything woodland creature-ish is right up my alley! If you're a Wallace and Grommet fan, you'll recognize that Rat's voice is done by the same man who does Wallace's.

      And yes, too much rain. I guess I should be thankful. You know the rhyme...April showers...

      Nice visiting with you, my dear! Have a lovely weekend!

    3. I will definitely check out the Wind in the Willows series! Thanks for the suggestion, Kimberly! I do like Wallace and Grommet too. :)

      So nice visiting with you as well! :D

  4. Sweet Michelle, I feel like I just visited the most enchanting forest and saw the loveliest fairy :) Your images were delightful as was your video. You are such a wonderful young lady and it's always a joy to visit you.

    Happy day, sweet friend! Hugs!

  5. right down to the passage from Hosea, this post is beautiful. love the woodland flowers, video, and the wEllies!!! the music used in the beatrix potter cartoons? perfection.

    1. Thanks so much, Sherry! I'm just a little bit in love with this post - it contains quite a few of my favorite things. ;)

  6. Such a beautiful post Michelle!! You look so pretty in your dress amongst all the springtime flowers! I love daffodils too. Ours just began to blossom yesterday. I watched the Beatrix Potter videos years ago, and I know I always enjoyed them. I love anything Beatrix Potter. : ) So enjoyed your little video too!! Thank you for brightening my day with all this springtime sunshine!!


    P.S. Did you sew your dress?

    1. Thank you, Sarah! :) You'll have to get the Beatrix Potter videos for your little girl! :D I love watching them with my nieces & nephews. I'm so glad you enjoyed my post. Yes, I did sew my dress. :)

  7. I loved your walk through the woods! I've not found any Dutchmen's Britches in my woods, but we have many May Flowers. I call them "Fairy Villages"! We have Bloodroot too. I think it's on the endangered list. I have some growing in one of my gardens too. The photos are so beautiful! I love taking walks in the woods too. And yes, wellies are a must this time of year. :-)
    Peter Rabbit is a favorite of mine and my children and grands. I like the original series, and my grandson likes the newer version that's out. I love anything Peter Rabbit!
    Enjoyed your post!
    Have a nice weekend ♥

    1. Thank you, Anne! Fairy Villages is a very apt name for them! :) I'll have to tell my 6 year old niece that one!
      The original Peter Rabbit series from the 90s are my favorite too. The new series is sweet, but it's just not the same without Beatrix Potter's original art! :)
      Have a lovely weekend as well!

  8. What beautiful pictures, flowers and plants. I do appreciate the bravery you showed in capturing the shot even with the spider threat. :) What a nice area to walk through and relax. Thank you for sharing the pictures and words with us.

  9. Thank you for the abundance of natural beauty at home in this enchantingly sweet post. You really live in a delightfully lovely corner of the world and have a natural eye for spotting and celebrating the best of Mother Nature. I hope that each day of the season continues to be sweet, fun, and joyful for you, dear Michelle.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thanks, sweet Jessica! I'm so glad you enjoyed my little Springtime post. :D

  10. A lovely spring post, thanks for sharing. I just love flowers I don't think I really have a favourite. But a mass of daffodils is wonderful to see.


  11. Hello Miss Michelle
    I love your charming post on Spring in your neck of the woods.
    The video was fun to watch!
    I haven't seen Dutchman's Britches here but I will seek it out for next Spring, it is so sweet.
    My fave spring flowers have to be the snowdrop, I love the way it shyly hangs it's head and the delicate green spots on the white petals.
    I’m also very fond of bluebells which always make me think of an English garden or woods.
    I have a beautiful coffee table book on Beatrix Potter, with some of her letters in it and the draft copy of Peter Rabbit. All her characters are timeless, no matter the generation.
    Yes April showers are so special - especially when I'm in Paris, France!!
    A lovely post and I'm following you now, it is so nice to meet you at Stephanies party!!

    1. Hello, Shane & welcome! It's so nice to have you here.
      Oh, I love snowdrops as well - so simple & sweet.
      I've been looking at some books about Beatrix Potter to purchase. She is such a fascinating person I'd love to learn more about her. :)
      Isn't Stephanie's party the best? I've found so many dear friends via her Roses of Inspiration Link Party! :D

  12. You did a wonderful job capturing spring in your neighborhood! I love seeing everything come back to life!!

  13. Your photos are enchanting. I heard the Beatrix Potter music in my head the minute you wrote it and felt your scene was very fitting :) You created a beautiful world with these pictures! :) Thank you for sharing on the Art of Home-Making Mondays this week!


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