
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Modest Fashion Weekly Digest 4-5-15...

Hey look! I was featured on Modest Fashion Weekly Digest 4-5-15!
See those Miss L Fire shod feet? Those are mine! :D
Below is the post from Modest Fashion Digest.

modest fashion bloggers blogging style conservative blogroll christian muslim islam mormon lds links
Hoorah! It is finally getting warmer and the colors all around us brighter! The same goes for our moods and the clothing we wear! This week’s digest will be full of fun and colorful spring outfits from fellow bloggers. Say hello to the new faces who are joining us for the first time! If you have a tablet, go read these wonderful posts outdoors:
Modest Fashion Network is a brand new global community for fashionistas who honor their bodies by clothing themselves with dignity and purity.
If you’d like to be part of our weekly digest, head on over to Modest Fashion Network to apply and submit your blog posts every week.
Please visit our sponsors: Attitudes to Women in TechAdina Designs (Where creativity, style, and dignity meet) – Deadly Vows by Robert Marsh (Amazon book)


  1. Oh, how wonderful, Miss Michelle! Dressing modestly doesn't have to be boring at all - we can have great fun clothing ourselves beautifully and fashionably while still honouring the Lord!
    Much love and hugs to you!

  2. Oh how exciting, sweet Michelle! Your feet look fabulous, by the way! *smiles* I am thrilled to hear about this Modest Fashion Network - I have a passion for modesty and it's a joy and blessing to see that there are others in the world who have the same desire. How I pray the Lord uses this network to touch and encourage the lives of many.

    Thanks for sharing, my dear! May you have a wonderful Thursday!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! :) I was excited to hear about this MFN too! Definitely a cause worthy of support.

  3. Congratulations, Michelle!! How exciting! :)

  4. Thank you very much for the introduction to this wonderful blogger network. Though I fully believe that we all have the right to dress however we please, for me personally that involves a degree of modesty at all times and I enjoy connecting with others who feel the same way, whatever the reason behind their desire to do so may be.

    Many happy congrats on being featured there. That's awesome!

    Have a beautiful weekend, dear gal!
    ♥ Jessica

    1. As a Christian I'm personally convicted to dress in a manner that pleases the Lord. That said, I do not believe in a mandatory dress code, so to speak, that some religions enforce - Christian or otherwise. That is when it becomes legalism & a means of trying to attain God's favor through works. I believe that God saved me by His grace - through no merit of my own. I only want to please Him in all I do. And to look like I belong to Him! :D

      Thanks so much!

      You have a delightful weekend as well, my friend!


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