
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

in my Easter bonnet...

I hope you all enjoyed a splendid Easter!
I sure did.
It was such a beautiful day with highs in the mid 60s and gloriously bright sunshine.
(Perfect weather in my estimation.)
We attended church in the morning, of course, and heard a wonderful sermon on the latter part of the 5th chapter of John. We've been working our way through the gospel of John for a couple months. Then we returned home for a delicious Easter luncheon of ham, cheesy taters, salads, asparagus, & Hawaiian rolls. (I love those sweet things.)
Oh, and pie, but we'll talk about that later.
After dessert we had a little egg hunt for the kiddos. I had fun filling the eggs with candy the night before, making sure to sample each different kind of candy for quality control. ;)
Each wee one received a special egg that contained a couple Bible verses {1 Peter 2:24 & John 3:16} just a little reminder of the reason for our celebration.
I actually completed my Easter ensemble a few days before.
 {Which is kind of a big deal for me.} ;)
No staying up late feverishly knitting or sewing to finish the night before the big day, my normal modus operandi.
I'm so pleased with how my outfit turned out.
I thought I'd share it with you dear ones. :)

Outfit details:
 Suit: Thrifted // Sweater: Me made // Hat: Antique Store Find // Shoes: Miss L Fire via eBay // Earrings: LC Lauren Conrad at Kohls // Brooch: 1986 Hallmark from Mom :)
(I wish I would've gotten a closeup of the brooch. It's a basket full of eggs & a bunny!)
I did decide to wear my new vintage hat even though it is black.
{Which Mom said is against The Rules, but she said I probably could get away with it. Thankfully the fashion police never nabbed me. Phew!} ;)
I wore it slightly back on my head in the 1940s style to frame my Victory Rolls. Although I think it may actually be from the 50s and meant to sit right on top of your head. Oh well, I can wear it like that too.
I don't really know hats very well...
In any case, it was loads of fun to wear an "Easter bonnet." :D

This lovely lavender Pendleton wool suit my sister, Beth, thifted for me needed a slight makeover.
I just love "Before & After" pics and I assume everyone else does too, so here ya go!

{Kitty just had to be in the picture.}

I had to cut four inches off the bottom of the jacket to make it fit my 5 foot 1 inch frame and to make it fit the look I was going for.
With the cut off fabric I made these sweet bows!
{I kind of have a thing for bows...}
Since I cut those four inches off the pockets were only a couple inches deep, which I thought looked a little silly. The bows were a good solution to cover this up & add some cuteness! I also shortened the sleeves by an inch. I had planned to shorten the skirt by an inch or so as well, but decided against it. It was so beautifully and professionally finished I thought it a shame to take that all apart for a meager inch adjustment. A tailor I am not. I actually loathe alterations. {I prefer to make things from scratch.} I really don't like to do alterations for other people. {Terrified to do so actually.} I don't care what my linings look like, but others probably would, so...

I'm really pleased with how my Vintage Leaf Sweater turned out! I think it deserves its own blog post at some future date. :D This is the sort of sweater that you must put on before doing your hair. Since there are no buttons at the neck it can be a bit of a tight squeeze.
It's such a beautiful shade of blue, isn't it? It has the faintest tinge of aqua.
 I don't think I'll make it again though. Well, at least not for a good while. The "leaf" part of the pattern just didn't flow easily. I usually can memorize lace patterns after repeating them a few times. This one just refused to be committed to memory, therefore I had to look at the directions continually instead of just glancing at them every so often like I prefer. I still think that's just the dearest little collar though! I can always use it on something else, or just knit this sweater in plain stockinette stitch or do cables. Ooo, the wheels are turning now! The sleeves are a great length too. I'll definitely employ them in another knit as well!
One of my sweet nephews, Jack, had the cutest little outfit on.
He was just too cute not to include in this post.
I wish I would've gotten pictures of all my dear nieces & nephews. Ah well, there's always next year I guess. I meant to photograph the egg hunt too. Bah!

Auntie will resort to tickling to entice wee ones to smile in pictures. :} With a face like that it's pretty easy to forgive him for getting into & devouring your chocolate stash while he's supposed to be taking a nap in your room. True story. When confronted and asked whether he ate all Aunt Shell's chocolate he replies: "Uh-huh! Mmm yum yum!" {He still pretty much only speaks Caveman.}
That's his Momma, my beautiful sister Beth, in the lovely rose print dress. (She's the one who got me this suit!)


 Oh, I said something about pie, right?
Here it is!
Lattice topped peach, coconut cream, & that one smothered in whipped cream is strawberry!
What did you do for Easter?
Do you wear many hats?
{If so, any guesses what era mine is from?}
Want a slice of pie?
{Oops! Never mind, they're all gone, sorry!}
{Photos by Mom, Beth, & me!}


  1. Such a fun post Michelle! You looked terrific! I love how you altered your suit, and I look forward to seeing more pictures of your sweater. From what I saw it looks beautiful. The pies looked so tasty- did you make all three? It sounds like you had a marvelous day. : )


    1. Thank you, sweet Sarah! Yes, I did make all three. (Actually four total - I made two strawberry.) :) It WAS a marvelous day! :D

  2. You look just gorgeous, Michelle!! Your suit looks absolutely amazing - you did a wonderful job of remaking it. It looks completely different! The bows are so. cute. I am so with you on garment linings - they're so pesky!
    That sweater is just beautiful also - the pattern and color are exquisite! You're such an amazing knitter.
    Your nephew is adorable...just in case you didn't know it. His outfit is so cute! It reminds me of something from the '40s.
    More Miss L Fire shoes? Now that's just not fair. ;) Nobody else buys my size (apparently), so I can't find them on Ebay!
    Lovely, lovely outfit as always!!
    Um, I need some pie. *dashes to kitchen*

    1. Thank you, dear Esther! That's exactly what I thought about Jack's little outfit too. :)

  3. That suit refashion is great! The bows add just the perfect 40s touch! :-)

    I think you're right about the hat- looks like a 50s hat made to sit straight on your head. But it did a nice job filling in for a 40s hat here!

    I'm glad you persevered through the annoying knit design- because it's wonderful!!! Soooo pretty.

    Those shoes. Aggggghhhh. Must. Not. Covet. I really, really, really!! want that style, in that color! I'll just bide my time. And keep checking eBay. ;-)

    The "nest" idea for the coconut pie is just the cutest! So perfectly "Easter"! :-)

    Cute nephew! I do hope he grows out of his bad chocolate tendencies, though! ;-) "Still speaks Caveman"- heehee!

    1. Thanks so much, Lily! So sorry to lead you into temptation over my shoes! haha! ;)

  4. You made the vintage coconut cream pie and it looks sensational!!! This post just made my whole day. Thank you so much for sharing about it, honey. I'm smiling ear-to-ear now! :)

    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Your Easter outfit was gorgeous! What a pretty, timelessly becoming suit.

    1. Thank you, Jessica! I went a little crazy with chocolate eggs on top! haha! It was super delicious & adorable - thanks again for sharing the recipe. :D

  5. Dearest Michelle, you are simply adorable! Every time I visit you I leave with a big smile on my face :)

    Your Easter outift is absolutely darling! And those shoes.... I am in love :) You did a lovely job transforming the jacket and skirt into a stunning outfit.

    Thank you, sweet friend, for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. You continue to inspire me. Hugs and blessings!

    By the way, those pies look divine! I would love a slice right now :)

  6. What a beautiful, vintage looking outfit, Miss Michelle! Oh! Your hat - the perfect way to complete the outfit! You look so elegant!
    I love the intricate design of your sweater and the colour is gorgeous too - my dear mother just finished a beautiful waistcoat for me and I am looking forward to some cooler days so that I can wear it for the first time!
    Ooh! The pie looks so very delicious! I agree with dear Stephanie - I would simply love a slice right now!!
    Much, much love to you - so lovely to peek into your Easter sounds like you had a blessed time with your family!
    And I must tell you, my sister's name is also Beth!

    1. Thank you ever so, Kelly-Anne! I look forward to seeing you waistcoat! How fun that you have a sister Beth as well. :D

  7. I can't believe the transformation you made to that jacket - and so clever to turn excess fabric into bows. It looks great! I'd never have thought of doing that, but considering I'm 5ft 2" this is a good trick to have in the back of my mind... mind you, I'd definitely have to enlist the help of a tailor ;) I love the Spring colours in this outfit generally :) CC x

  8. What a perfect easter outfit! I love that your kitty made an appearance and OMG those PIES?!??! They look so yummy!
    Have a great day!
    xo Hannah

    The Braided Bandit BLOG
    The Braided Bandit SHOP

  9. I absolutely LoVe what you did with that outfit! I truly feel blessed by this years Easter,and I am so glad I got to spend it with you :) Love ya bunches,Beth

    1. Thanks for finding this terrific suit for me! :D Love you bunches & bunches!

  10. You look great in your Easter suit! Love the hat....and the pie!


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