
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

say hello to my little friends...

Here's another sure sign of Spring - little baby chicks!

Well, once again I didn't get any outfit pics taken this past week.
Kels & I had the best of intentions, but we got garage sales...
So in lieu of a 1940s inspired thrifted outfit here are my newest feathered friends. :D

These six little cuties will lay lovely brown eggs in just a few months time!
I bought them Sunday at our local TSC while picking up the feed for my flock.
They had some little baby mallard ducklings as well, which were pretty hard to resist, but I did! ;) I can't remember the name of these lil chickies' breed, but I think the gal there said they are a cross between Rhone Island Reds & White Rocks. She said they'll be brownish - can't wait to see what they look like when they're grown. I need to start thinking of suitable names. Though I may have to wait until their personalities er chickenalities start to develop to give them appropriate names. :) I already have a Philippa, Lillie-white, Freckles, Pepper, Snowy, & Oswald {the rooster}.

That night our electricity went out! Eek! One essential of chick keeping is a heat lamp. When they don't have Momma Hen to keep them warm they need the constant source of warmth that a heat lamp provides. Thankfully we have a generator. Although it runs on gas & only had enough of that stuff to last until about 9:00 PM. I had brought them into the basement {from the outbuilding I had been keeping them in} so they'd be warmer. Praise the Lord the power came back on at about 11 so they only had to go about 2 hours sans heat lamp.
They're all warm & cheerful today!


Now for some random bits...

The newest blooming beauties around here a lilacs & wild bluebells.

I made this bouquet {a mix of bought & homegrown flowers} to take to church & now I get to enjoy it in my room. I wish I could attach the scent for you all to enjoy!
{Removing all allergens, of course, for those of you who suffer from them.}

{Lovely Lilacs}

 {Beautiful Bluebells}

Isn't this dish towel just the cutest? It's from Kohl's. They have some pretty cute home wares.
I got this yellow Lu-Ray Pastels platter recently at a garage sale for $1.50! Woo-hoo!
 I like to collect pastel dishes whenever I find them for a super deal. I have some Shenandoah & Moderntone pieces as well. {You can see some in the photo below!} It's so fun how they all mix & match since they were made in similar eras. The few Cath Kidston dishes I have go so well too. 
The past couple days we've had rather chillier weather than the weeks before.
A nice cuppa {tea} & something sweet to eat is just what the doctor ordered.
{Well, actually there's no need to mention this to the doctor...we'll keep this just between us.} ;)
You can find the recipe for these yummy lemon bars in this post.
 Here is what I've been working on lately!

{A recent custom embroidery order. All in mint green!}

I've just the sewing up to do on this knitted gift for my cousin's baby girl.
Isn't that color delicious? It's my very favorite to use for baby girl gifts - such a vintage baby pink. {It's Knit Picks' Flamingo.} This is one of the colors I've picked out for my Summery cotton version of "Your Victory Jumper".  If I ever finish the original one, that is! ;)

 Any suggestions for names for my new baby hens?

What's blooming in your neck of the woods?

What do you collect?

{Photos by this girl!}


  1. you are *so* talented.. first off, the little girl's jumper is precious and i love the color! the chicks are darling - i've been watching the anne of green gables movies the past couple days as a tribute to the character gilbert blythe who has recently passed on. :( i think minnie-mae would be a good name for one of the chicks (in the anne film). beautiful flowers.

    1. Aw, thank you, Sherry! :) Oh, I was so sad to hear about his death too! I need to break out those DVDs to watch as well. Minnie-Mae would be a perfect name! One of the chicks is a bit smaller than the others so there's one name down. :D

    2. Michelle, what an absolutely lovely post! You are a woman of many talents!

      Hmmmm, for chicken names I like Sherry's idea of Minnie-Mae. How about Wilma? Gertrude? Hayley? Juliet? (the Mills sisters) Or maybe some spice names since they'll be brown. Nutmeg? Cinnamon? Ginger? I'm sure you'll come up with some great names.

      Have a lovely day, dear Michelle!

    3. Thank you, Kimberly! I really like the spice names... I'll definitely keep them in mind! :D

      I wish a lovely day to you as well, sweet Kimberly!

  2. Oh, I just loved seeing your baby chicks!! I miss having chickens sooooo much. We always had chickens when I was young, right up until I was about 20 and a dog killed all of our chickens. We named our chickens after characters from movies and books. I had two white silkies that I named Zsa Zsa and Eva (it seemed so fitting!). Our rooster was Solomon, since he had so many wives. : ) We even had a Lucy and Ethel, two barred rock hens. I hope to get chickens again some day, we just need a proper coop first.

    Your flowers are just gorgeous! Such a fantastic assortment to have at your home. This week my daffodils finally blossomed and I found some white violets in our yard.

    Your embroidery is beautiful! I love that little poem. It is so very true. And you knitted dress is precious! I love the color you chose.

    May you have a very blessed week!


    1. Chickens are such fun aren't they?! Those are some great names! {Solomon - hahaha!} Funnily enough when my niece, Abbey, was just learning to talk "Aunt Shell" somehow came out as "Zsa Zsa" & the name stuck. My bro-in-law (her dad) calls me Zsaz often. :) The funny part is I'm not a very "Zsa Zsa" kinda gal. {Unlike your silkies which were very aptly named.} I love Lucy & Ethel - I'll keep those in mind! I hope you are able to get some chickens very soon!

      I just love daffs & violets! We had some of the white ones at our old house. :) We would pick them for May Day baskets when we were little girls.

      I wish you a blessed week as well, sweet friend! ^_^

  3. Michelle...they are just so adorable! :0) so soft and cuddly. So is the sweater you are knitting. What lovely flowers you have shared also...over all, I have completely enjoyed visiting. :D mari

  4. I've been looking at your blog and enjoying your beautiful posts. You take lovely photos and share so many neat things. I collect all kinds of things...vintage and new. I love dolls and sewing. And I love your pretty tea cups and tea towel and all of the things you are making. I like in Florida so we are blessed to have lots blooming year round. Right now I have some pretty violas in the flower bed. Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. Hi! Just found your link on Roses of Inspiration and love your blog! Wee chicks are so adorable!
    You have a super collection of vintage kitchenalia !
    Hope you come by for a visit!
    Looking forward to following!

    1. Welcome Christine! It's so nice to have you here. :) Thanks for becoming a follower! I'm heading on over to your blog now to do the same. :D

  6. There is so very much loveliness nestled into this post. It's sweet, fun, uplifting and soothing at the same time - all things I very much need to feel and see at the moment. Thank you for sharing some of the absolute prettiest and most symbolic signs of the season with us, sweet dear. I adored seeing them.

    Huge hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thanks, Jessica my dear! It makes me so happy that this post refreshed you in your trying time. ^_^ {hugs}

  7. Your chicks are very cute! I love the bluebells. It's so hard to find flowers that are a real true blue. Right now we have daffodils, irises, lilacs and dogwood blooming. Your embroidery is lovely.

    1. Thanks Betty! Yes, it is hard to find flowers that are indeed blue. These bluebells seem even more blue next to the lavender lilacs. (On their own they do have a purple tinge.)

  8. Beautiful photos and post!!! Nice blog!!
    Would you like to follow each other?
    I follow you with GFC and Bloglovin now!! I'm very happy if you do the same...
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  9. I'm sorry I didn't comment sooner, Michelle!! That evil garden of mine has been stealing my time lately!!
    Those little chicks are just too cute. They are so yellow and fuzzy!!! :) I think I'm not the one to ask about chicken names; all I've thought of so far are very feline-esque names such as "Fuzzy" and "Fluffy." Oh, I did think of Goldilocks too. Nevermind the fact that they're not going to be yellow when they're grown! ;)
    Those flowers are so beautiful!! The bluebells are breathtaking.
    That poem is so cute, and the baby outfit you're knitting? So cute and soft!!
    Thanks for such a cheerful, springy, lovely post, Michelle!

    1. That's quite alright, my friend! I understand the demands of a garden! :)
      Yes, I could be tempted to name them Fuzzy or Fluffy, but as they'll soon outgrow that stage those sort of names aren't very enduring. ;) Goldilocks could work though if one is yellowish. :)
      Thanks so much for you sweet comment, dear Esther! {hugs}

  10. Oh, I squealed in delight when I saw your sweet chicks - they are simply precious! :) As for names.... I have no ideas {sorry I am no help}. I can't wait to hear what you decide on.

    Your blog is always such a wonderful place to visit, my friend. It's truly a joy to stop by and say hello! Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Love and hugs!

    1. Aren't they just the cutest thing?! :D
      Thanks so much for your sweet comment, dear one.

  11. What a delightful place to visit! I adore your baby chicks...I so want to get some of my own one day! Your photos of the flowers are absolutely breathtaking...especially those lilacs!

    1. Thank you, Debby!

      I'm so thankful for my small flock. They are such a delight. I highly recommend chicken keeping to anyone who would like to enjoy fresh eggs, laughter watching the chicken's silly antics, & good old fashioned fun taking care of some little feathered friends.

      Thank you for the kind compliment about my flower photos. Flowers are such nice things to photograph - timelessly beautiful.

      Thanks for stopping by! {hugs}

  12. Hi Miss Michelle,
    Chicks are so cute! How about Hetty, Betty, Letty, Netty, Retty, and Sue?! I like raising my hens from chicks because they are so tame when grown. They just become such pets!
    I like the fabric of your apron. I looks Cath Kidston?
    Your knitting is just beautiful ~ pretty colour too. :-)
    Have a great week!
    Anne ♥

    1. Those are some good names, Anne! :) I do like to raise my hens from chicks for that same reason. Philippa, my oldest hen, will follow me around the yard like a dog if she's out of the pen. :D
      The apron is actually vintage, but it really does look like Cath Kidston, doesn't it?
      Thanks for your sweet comment! ^_^

  13. Cute chicks and beautiful flowers. Such inspiration in this post!
    Lori from LL Farm

  14. How wonderful that you have a generator! Last year our lightbulb died out and I can't tell you the devastation the next morning :( Your chickies are just darling. And I love your pretty dishes! I too have a couple of Cath Kidston mugs that I am just starting to let my family use. They teased me that I had to worship them first. Yes, I was a bit afraid of breaking them! :) Thank you for sharing your lovelies on the Art of Home-Making Mondays this week Michelle. Always a pleasant visit here!

    1. Oh, how sad! :(
      Thank you! My Cath Kidston dishes are very precious to me too! :D


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