
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

the almost lost art of thank you notes...

Do you still write thank you notes?

 I try to as often as possible.
It seems to me it's not as commonplace as it used to be.
I think in our greedy, more is more society any opportunity to show gratitude is a wonderful thing.
And who doesn't like receiving happy mail, I ask you?!

One of the first thank you notes I remember receiving was from the leader of Junior Choir at church, I was probably 7 or 8. I can't even remember what the note was thanking me for, but I do recall being so excited about receiving my very own piece of mail that I asked Mom if I could send a "You're Welcome" note in return. I was quite disappointed to find out that wasn't a thing. In my child's mind it was the only appropriate response since it was instilled in me to tell someone you're welcome if they told me thank you. haha!

A little while back I heard that they are no longer going to be teaching cursive handwriting in school. I think that is a shame. I read an article once that said something about how important handwriting really is. They made a point that when you hand write something you use more of the old noodle than you do when you type. Isn't that interesting? I couldn't find a link to the article, but here is a post that talks about the article to which I'm referring.

I can speak from experience that pieces of handwriting from loved ones now gone is something I treasure. For years I cleaned house for my great grandma, Grandma Lou, and did a little shopping for her too. I saved one of the notes she left me with the grocery list. She would have me do little mending jobs for her as well since she, an excellent seamstress herself, was no longer able. The note read: "Michelle, Could you put in a new zipper? This one is nuts. Gram" hahaha! She was such a hoot.

So, I sat out on the deck on an unseasonable mild afternoon
& started writing.
{Making a photo worthy display beforehand of course. *wink*}
Then I got to thinking about being thankful.
Being thankful is so important.
We are told to be thankful to God for everything in all circumstances.
{In each & every case it's always far better than what we truly deserve.}

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
to which indeed you were called in one body;
and be thankful.
Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
 singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks through Him to God the Father."
{Colossians 3:15-17}

"Rejoice always;
pray without ceasing;
in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
{1 Thessalonians 5:16-18}

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
 Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
{Philippians 4:4-7}

Did you notice how often the words 'rejoice' & 'grateful' or 'thankful' are in the same passage?
Ah, nothing cultivates the joy of the Lord quite like giving thanks to Him.
It puts things into the right perspective.
We remember that He is in control.
All things are filtered through His loving hands.
How can you help but have joy when this is the case?
When we thank someone for some kind thing that they have done for us we ultimately thank God as well because He is the One Who put these givers in our lives.
Let us always be thankful to Him for the innumerable gifts He gives us every day. ^_^
{But especially that greatest gift of all: His beloved Son, Who gave His life a ransom for those who will believe in Him & His sufficient sacrifice to reconcile wretched sinners to Himself.}
So, next time you're penning thank you notes
to those who are a blessing to you,
remember the ultimate Giver.
{And be sure to take a coffee & cake break
when your hand starts to get a bit tired.}


Do you have any treasured memories connected with hand writing?

How often do you hand write things?
Much Love,
{Yep, I took the piccies & I ate that cake. It was good.}


  1. Such a lovely reminder! I do like to write thank you notes, but have to admit I am not as good about that as I once was. Your thank you cards are lovely! I am sure the recipients of those cards will be delighted. I loved all of the scriptures you included, so of my favorites! I have a special card my great grandma gave me and so many from my grandma. I truly treasure them now that they both have passed. It brings back a lot of memories just seeing their distinctive penmanship.

    1. I'm not always as good about writing them as I should be either, Sarah. Having pretty things at the ready to do so make it much easier to remember though. I'm always picking up cute cards at thrift stores because they're always inexpensive & I know they'll come in handy at some point! ^_^ There were so many more passages I could have included - there are so many about thankfulness! I just chose a few of my very favorites.

      Michelle ^_^

  2. This is such a sweet post. Yes, we should be thanKful and give thanks in all things. I think it is sad that cursive will no longer be taught. We each have our own unique handwriting which at one time was used to identify us! I treasure my mother's cards and notes that I have as she had such a beautiful and different handwriting. You have some really cute cards too!

    1. Thank you, Anne! ^_^ I can remember as a child seeing different things about my mom or my sisters' penmanship that I really liked & would try to mimic. They all blended together and became my own. Though it's not always as neat as it should be it is my own & I think that's special. :) It's wonderful how seeing a loved one's handwriting is almost as dear as hearing their voice or seeing their face.

      Michelle ^_^

  3. What a sweet, beautiful post and powerfully important reminder. I've never given up the art of writing letters and thank you notes, and don't plan to do so as long as the postal system is still around. When time and health permit, I especially love to make my own note and grating cards from scratch, but also keep a lovely stash of appropriate stationary on hand for when such isn't possible.

    It's marvelous that you're keeping this time honoured art alive as well, honey. Fantastic job!

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

  4. I've never enjoyed neat handwriting myself. My mom wrote a good hand and I obviously took after my dad. I rejoiced when the word processor was invented. Finally, everyone could comprehend my correspondence! I sometimes have to sign a note and I am thankful to have the return address to rely on so the recipient can figure out who sent it. Most of all, I'm thankful for sweet friends like you who love me in spite of my attrocious handwriting! I often email. Sadly, the internet and social media have ruined the meaning of 'friend' and good meaningful correspondense. :D

  5. That's so sweet, Shelle Belle! Thanks for the thank you note, btw!

  6. This was a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing this.

  7. Thank you for such a lovely post:) I don't write thankyou notes as often as I should. I remember a few years ago when my daughter was six, she was invited to a birthday party. Afterwards when back at school eldest returned with a thankyou card from her friend which I was touched by xxx

  8. Hi! I love receiving a notecard or letter via snail mail. I penpal and was typing the letters but have gone back to handwriting them and like to start out writing on a card. Some cards I like to make (simple ones) and some boughten. If anyone happens to be interested in exchanging cards and letters let me know. Enjoyed your post. Nancy


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