
Monday, August 15, 2016

it's my 30th birthday I can cry if I want to... {+ my birthday gift to you!}

Just kidding.
I don't feel like crying at all. ;)
But my 60s dress & hair-do made me think of that 60s song
 "It's my Party" & I couldn't help but giggle.

Everyone keeps telling me that turning 30 isn't bad at all.
In fact, they enjoyed their 30s so much more than their 20s,
but they'd probably be the type to tell you that colonoscopies aren't all that bad either,
so I'm not sure if I'm gonna fully take their word for it. ;P
But this I do know:
Hitherto my Lord has helped me
& I know He will still for as many days as He gives me.
I'm not fretting about getting older.
Every day I learn more about Jesus,
& it's one day closer to heaven,
and hopefully with every day & every year I become more like my Savior.
What more could anyone want than that?
{Plus my niece insists that I'm only 21 *wink*}
Now as to this dress.

Vintage 1961 McCall's Pattern #6120.
Vintage rose bed sheet for the fabric.
{Picked up at my favorite thrift store a few years back.}
Vintage notions: old metal zipper from a bag of goodies
my friend Ang gave me,
and thread that came with an old treadle sewing machine my Uncle Bill salvaged for me out of an old house slated for demolition.
{His only price was one of my apple pies. What a guy!}

 It was my first time making this pattern & it was about a size too big.
I made some adjustments after cutting it out that I should've done before cutting it out.
I skipped the sleeves because they looked wonky because of the adjustments.
(I now know what I'd do differently if I make this pattern again, which I plan to do.)
I love the pleats of the skirt. They make it lay so nicely.
I think my favorite detail is the matching bow belt.
I had never really cared much for the styles of the 1960s until just recently.
{And I still don't care for all of it, mind you, this is what I consider to be good 60s.}
I felt very Call the Midwife or Andy Griffith Show in this sweet frock.
 Mom did my bouffant for me.
She can recall watching her mom do a similar pouf to her own hair.

I recently brought my sewing machine & dress form {Donna Sue} upstairs to my room.
I'm so enjoying having them up here & not down in the icky basement.
It's such a cozy little corner of my room now.

 {Who wore it better: me or Donna Sue?} ;)
As a special treat for you dear friends I'd like to offer you a coupon code for 30% off in my etsy shop.
(Get it?! Get it?! 30%)
It's good all day today {August 15th, 2016}.
Just in case there's something in there you've had your eye on.
The code is: ADELIGHTFUL30TH
This week's post is a day early so that I could offer you all this deal.
{And maybe to make up for last week's being a bit late.} ;P
My family had a party for me yesterday afternoon & it was such a wonderful time.
 Momma & Dad
 My sisters
This is probably my favorite pic & my favorite part -
surrounded by my six wee leetle rabbits. <3
{Though if you'd been there your ears would most likely still be ringing from the deafening shout of "cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese" that came forth from these wee ones.} ^_~
Today I'll be out shopping anywhere my heart desires.
{Mostly craft stores & thrift shops.}
I am so blessed.
Much love,
Miss Michelle ^_^
{the old fart}
Photos by Momma, Dad, Aims & Me.


  1. I love your new dress! You look lovely!! Also, I would have guessed you were in your early- mid twenties. : ) So far I will agree, being in your 30's is not bad. I turned 31 on my last birthday.

  2. Happy birthday Michelle 🎂😀
    Thirty is not so bad .... I enjoyed my 30's immensely 💜💜

  3. I must say, I think ☆you☆ wore it better than Donna Sue! ;-) So happy to be able to celebrate you today, and so blessed to be your sister! ♡♡♡

  4. Happy,happy birthday, dear daughter! You've bought us so much joy always. It's been such a blessing to watch you grow to a mature, godly woman, and a privilege to see you love and serve the Lord so devotedly. You have become,in Christ, what every Christian parent prays for, a daughter of the King who loves Him supremely. Keep focusing on Him, the Author and Perfector of our faith, and your life will be of more worth than can be imagined on this earth.💖 Also, I want you to know that colonoscopies are not that bad, but the prep is !😄 🎂🎂🎂 Love, Momma💕😘

    1. Aww, thanks Momma! You're so sweet. Love you so much! But I don't believe you on that last thing. ;P

  5. You look FAAAABULOUS, Daaahling! I love your sense of humor! Enjoy. You've made no mistakes to have to live with, and you have the future ahead of you to see what God has ordained for your life. You have a family people only wish for! But, as one of your biggest fans I'm probably prejudice. Nah!
    you're just pretty fantastic. Coffee soon?

    1. Thanks so much, Debbie! haha! I'm glad someone appreciates my quirky sense of humor. ;) You are so sweet & I just love you so much. ^_^ Yes, please to the coffee! :D

  6. I love your dress! You look just beautiful! 30's are great years, enjoy yours. :-)

  7. hApPiEsT of days to you, sweet michelle .. ♥
    you look beautiful in your dress and your mother
    showed her skill in making your hair all fancy-like.

    1. Thank you so much, dear Sherry! <3 She's pretty good at getting me & my sisters prettified. ^_~

  8. Happy birthday!!! (Heehee, seeing how many different platforms I can use to send well wishes! ;-))

    And I laughed out loud at the old fart part.

  9. Oh my, so many things to say!
    First, I love you! Happy Birthday!! Secondly, you look GREAT! Your HAIR! PERFECT! Great job, Mrs. U! Third, glad you could put that zipper to wonderful use. I would love a dress like that and I bet it feels like a dream-being made of a sheet and all. Yet, it doesn't look like a sheet! Fourth, I wish I were out shopping with you!
    Here's to 30+ more! ~Ang

    1. Aw, thanks Ang! I love you too! It is such a comfortable dress to wear. I was so excited when Aims gave me that bag full of goodies from you. Y'know I don't think I ever thanked you properly. So, thanks! We'll definitely have to get our fair share of shopping in when you're down here. ^_^ {PS I'll have your socks all ready for you too!}

  10. Happy, happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet Michelle! I was delighted to learn that you turned 30 as I turned 30 in April. I must confess that my 29th birthday was harder than my 30th.

    May I just say that you do not look 30! I thought you were maybe 25. You are so beautiful, my friend, and your sweet spirit shines through in all that you do. I know that you are a joy and blessing to all those around you because you are that to us in the blogging community. I hope this year if full of sweet delights and wonderful surprises.

    Your dress is oh-so-charming as is your hair :) Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you so much, my fellow '86 baby! 😄 You are so sweet & you always leave the kindest comments. 😊 {hugs to you!} ♡

  11. Jaw droppingly gorgeous dress!

    Happy birthday wishes to you, sweet dear! I'm a couple of years older than you and just say to say, I'm wild about being in my 30s. I really felt like I started to come into my own more as a person in my late 20s and such as only continued all the more so in this chapter of my life, too.

    I hope that your 30s rock for you as well and that bring countless wonderful blessings into your world.

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

  12. Hi there! I keep seeing you commenting on Esther/Dolly Creates/Northern Shore Vintage and I am her partner in crime aka "adopted" sister. :) After browsing your recent MMM blog posts, I saw your birthday dress photo and HAD to find the original post. ;) So here I am and am leaving you my "2 cents"! The dress is sooo pretty, would have NEVER guessed it was 1960's (as that is my LEAST faovorite decade ever)...and with sleeves it is something I would simply love to wear. I'll have to try that kind of skirt sometime! And the belt is so cute. I LOVE how it was made from a sheet, I was veeery curious about the fabric. Ha ha! Should have known! :) I am 31 and I can say that while the 20's were great, 30's are too and it's not that big a deal At. All. :) Enjoy yourself every day and let the Lord use you where you are. Until a month ago I was at home with my parents but now I just got married. :) :) :) Every stage of life is a tremendous, special blessing that can't be duplicated or substituted, if only we can see that. <3 Have a great day!!!


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