
Thursday, July 28, 2016

happy {150th} birthday, Beatrix!

Our much beloved Beatrix Potter was born 150 years ago today!

I thought it was a perfect occasion to wear another outfit inspired by my favorite artist.

My niece Abbey snapped a couple pics for me. ^_^

Abbey, my sister Kelsey, and I thought we'd try our hand at some watercolor in honor of Miss Potter.

{'Arteests' at work.}
It was so much fun!
{A cup of tea was always nearby, naturally.}
The finished "masterpieces". ;P
Try not to laugh too hard at my rendition of Hunca Munca & one of her babies.
{I really need to work on those eyes. Spooooky.}
Kels decided to just do her own non-Beatrix-inspired thing.
I'm in love with Abbey's rendition of Jemima Puddle Duck!
"Thank goodness I was never sent to school;
it would have rubbed off some of the originality."
{Beatrix Potter}

Did you know today was Beatrix's birthday?

Did you do anything special to celebrate?

What is your favorite Beatrix Potter book?

Miss Michelle ^_^


  1. Wow, so cute! Wouldn't Miss Potter be amazed to know people still think about her on her 150th birthday! ♡♡♡♡

  2. NO, I didn't know that yesterday was Beatrix Potter's birthday. What a fun way to celebrate! I love her artwork, growing up her books were some of my favorites. : )

  3. well aren't you darling in every way. :)
    mrsTiggywinkle is my very favorite Potter
    character. maybe because i look like her
    (wink) or have in my possession **many**
    pocket handkins.

    i was going to watch Miss Potter but accidentally took a nap instead.. :/

    1. Aww shucks. Thanks... ^_~ Oh, I love Mrs. Tiggywinkle too. I imagine I'll look more & more like her the older I get. ;) I didn't get around to everything I intended to that day either. A nap would have been wonderful.

  4. Nice artwork and cute skirt! I'm a Potter fan. Our youngest granddaughter's nursery is done in "Potter-original". :-) Cute post! ♥

    1. Thanks Anne! I got this skirt at my favorite thrift store. It's rayon & oh so comfortable. If the Lord ever gives me babies there will be a definite Beatrix theme in their nursery! ^_^

  5. Simply delightful, my friend! You look simply lovely with your hair up and I especially like your sweet skirt.

    You celebrated in a most wonderful and charming way. Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! It's one of my favorite quick & easy hairstyles to do & it's so much cooler to have your hair up in this summertime heat! My skirt was a thrift store find & I just adore it. I love the muted tones. {hugs!}


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