
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

this girl has nothing to say...
Yet again
life is keeping me busy.
Seems to me this Summer will be quite a full one.
No completed projects here.
Plenty of plans & ideas.
Yet no time to bring them to fruition.
If only I were a better planner.
{Adds that to ever-growing list of things to do. Then scoffs.} ;)
I hope you're all having a splendid June thus far.
I know I sure am.

{Click on pic for Pinterest source.}


  1. I'm glad to hear that your summer is full, dear Michelle. Hope it's fun busy and not just work busy! Have a lovely week!

  2. And in your busyness, you're tucking away stories to tell come summer's end. :)

  3. You have such a pretty blog. I like your hair style and the way you dress. I love vintage too.

  4. Dearest Michelle...enjoy your summertime for it is such a delightful season! I too find summer to be a time of very little handwork and such...rather it is a time to bask in the beauty and warmth all around us! Smiles...
    It is Winter here in my part of the world and I am surprised at just how much sewing, gardening, cooking and more that is slowly being I enjoy it while it lasts, for I know when the weather warms up I am not going to feel like getting my knitting needles out and working with yarn:)
    Sending hugs and ever so much love to you!


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