
Tuesday, June 16, 2015


 The hollyhocks are blooming!
Aren't they just lovely?
Such an old-fashioned flower - in the best possible sense.
 When I went out to snap these pics it was so humid my lens kept fogging up!
I think it gave the photos a rather pleasing softness though.
 Every time a walk past these beauties I find myself singing "Hollyhock, hollyhock, oh holly hollyhock!" to the tune of Lollipop. haha! ;)


What do you have blooming?
{Photos by Yours Truly}


  1. I adore hollyhocks! I am hoping to get some planted this year. I don't suppose you know what variety the lovely pink and white striped one is in the bottom photo?

    1. I don't know the specific name of that hollyhock. I bought this mix from Burpee it was called Country Romance, I believe. Hope this helps. : )

  2. Your hollyhocks are lovely! They make me think of my childhood. My mother always planted hollyhocks along the white fence at home when I was a youngster. : )

  3. Beautiful! Love these flowers. Your blog is such a happy place. :) my mother tells of making holly hock dolls..

  4. Oh yes Michelle, hollyhocks are absolutely beautiful :0) mine are just about to bloom... mari

  5. I too love hollyhocks. I just don't have a sunny place to grow them. Make a pot of coffee and I'll just come and enjoy yours. :D

  6. The Hollyhocks are simply beautiful. Hollyhocks were my Mother's favorite flower. Now I wish I had planted some.

  7. Oh hollyhocks are so wonderful! They are my favourites along with phlox and foxglove! Lovely pictures to look at!

  8. I love hollyhocks! We don't have any left though. *tear*
    Our roses are blooming, however, and I just love them.
    Have a lovely week, Michelle! :)

  9. hello michelle,
    yes hollyhocks are beautiful flowers!!!
    blessings regina

  10. Beautiful flowers! I want to grow hollyhocks, too. What is stopping me? I don't know! I had black ones once (dark purple, actually). I LOVE hollyhocks, and yours are beautiful, Michelle! Thanks for sharing them!

  11. Hi sweet Michelle! Your Hollyhocks are simply lovely! They are my Grandmother's favorite flower {one of them anyway} so I always think of her when I see them. I hope you are enjoying your summer!

    Hugs and blessings!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! I am enjoying my summer & I hope you are as well. : )

  12. Oh Miss gorgeous are these hollyhocks... One of the most beautiful flowers and so striking in the garden! It is almost time to start planting flowers again...oh, how I love springtime! There is such expectation in the air as we sow seeds and wait for them to grow into lovely blooms...
    I have missed visiting with you, dear Miss Michelle! Hope you're enjoying your summertime:)
    Hugs and love,

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Kelly-Anne! How odd it seems to me to think that your seasons are the exact opposite of mine. What an amazing world our God has made. :D

      I'm hoping to get back into the blogging swing very soon.
      Michelle ^_^


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