
Sunday, March 29, 2015

vintage treasures...

This post will be one of those posts I referred to as "random posts sprinkled in here & there" when I mentioned that I wanted to become more organized in my blogging. So I think I will give it the label "sprinkle post" to set it apart from my regular Tuesday posts.
{Mostly because it amuses me.} ;)

I did a bit of vintage treasure hunting this weekend.
I thought I'd share my "haul" with you lovelies. :)
Friday I was able to go to my favorite thrift store,
and Saturday to a not-too-far-away town with some swell antique shops.

Below are pictured my goodies found at my favorite thrift shop.
Some great vintage sewing notions & cook booklets.
When the prices range from 20 to 50 cents it's really hard not to throw things into your basket. ;)
I keep seeing all sorts of fabulous vintage belt buckles on vintage sewing blogs, especially Esther's.
So, I was quite excited to find that little red number. Ooo, and just look at those sparkly rhinestone buttons! The black buttons are "genuine jet" & I just like the card of the men's shirt buttons.

I simply can not resist little vintage cook booklets. The artwork is always so charming.
Clockwise starting from the left:
~ Good Housekeeping's Summer Cook Book.
 I can't find a date on this one, but judging by her hair I'd say 1940s.
~ Cake Baking Made Easy with Airy Fairy. Copyright 1932
hahaha! Can you imagine walking in to your local grocer's and enquiring whether or not they carry "Airy Fairy Cake Flour"? I think it would be very hard to do so with a straight face.
~ Coconut Glamour Desserts. Copyright 1949
Lots of yummy things in there!
~ Answers by the Canning Doctor.
I can't find a date on this one either, but I'd guess late 40s or early 50s.

Oh, and that cute little bunny {not vintage. just adorable.} just hopped into my basket on its own. At 20 cents I simply couldn't refuse the wee scamp a nice home.
Now, this lovely black velvet 1940s (I think) hat & the two wonderful feedsacks which you can see underneath all the other treasures were all found in a little antique shop.
Each item was $10 which I personally think was a terrific deal.
(Though I don't buy many hats I do know my stuff about feedsacks!)
 I'm thinking of wearing the hat on Easter. My sister, Beth, got me a wool suit in a lovely lavender that would go smashingly with the pansies on this sweet topper.
Although I'm not sure if it's against "the rules" to wear black velvet on Easter...any thoughts on that?
I think the pansies may be a new addition to the hat, but in any case I like them.
The lavender suit is very 90s in style, but I'm hoping to be able to tweak it to be a bit more 40s.
I may wear my vintage leaf sweater with the suit if it goes well together.
I just have to finish the collar & sew it up!
Now comes the part wear I sincerely hope it fits. You just never know with a new pattern. I generally have pretty good results though. The fact that knits are stretchy in nature is always a lifesaver. ;)
I'm really excited about my feedsacks! The blue one with little red apples would go wonderfully with my new belt buckle. And, since my vintage peasant blouse pattern can *just* be squeezed out of one feedsack I think I know what I'm going to make from this pink floral one! :D
Well, that's all for now, my dears. 
~ I'll be back Tuesday with another outfit post! ~
{You've been warned.} :P
What's your opinion on a black velvet hat for an Easter bonnet?
Did you find any vintage treasures lately {& did you get a good deal}?
Would you have been able to resist that sweet bunny? ;)


  1. Fist of all, you know what I like to do? I would really love to go antique shopping with you gals like old times!!!
    Secondly, I heart that blue feedsack.
    Third, keep a close eye on Peter Cottontail there because I've got my eye on him!

    1. Oh, I would love to go antique shopping with you too Ang!
      I <3 it too! ;)
      I'll have to remember to hide him if you come over. :P

  2. Aww, you're so sweet to mention me! :D I LOVE your buckle! It's positively scrumptious!
    You must have some kind of amazing thrift store where you live! The thrift stores around here are so good for the most part. Everything you bought is so gorgeous!
    The feedsacks look amazing! I've literally never seen one at an antique store yet. So. Sad.
    I don't think there's any anti-black-hat rules for Easter, so you're good to go as far as I can see! :)
    I...want the bunny.
    Can I have him?

    1. Well, you do have quite the vintage belt buckle collection, m'dear. ;)
      My favorite thrift store is pretty amazing. It's hit or miss, of course, depending on what people donate. For the most part it's a winner! :D
      I've only found feedsacks a couple times. I'd love to come across a big ol' stash of them at an estate sale or something! One can dream, can't one?
      Sorry, but I'm not ready to part with my little bunny just now. ;)

  3. Great finds Michelle! Those feedsacks are beautiful. I can't wait to see what you make from them. : ) I am fond of those little recipe booklets too. I have one filled with Kate Smith's favorite cake recipes. It has been a while since I have gotten out to an antique store or estate sale. Now that the weather is improving I hope we can soon. I am looking forward to your outfit post Tuesday!


    1. Thanks Sarah! This lovely weather is making me excited for garage sale season! :D

  4. Lovely post! and finds, i love thrift stores, but lately working i have no time to check them out, your post is just encouraging and warm, looking up to your outfit...loves soraya

  5. My word, what an absolute treasure trove of vintage lovelies! You're very fortunate to live in an area where such an array of old school items can still be sourced (I'd call your haul a very good whole season of yard saling and/or thrifting on my end these days). Way to go! I especially like the hat (not surprisingly, I'm sure!) and the vintage cookbooks (probably not shocking either :D).

    Enjoy all of your great new (old) finds!

    ♥ Jessica

    1. I usually do find quite good things at my favorite thrift store. I think one reason there are so many great vintage treasures in my area is because it is a big farming community around here and those old farmers never throw anything away! I'm oh so happy they're that way too! :D

  6. Great vintage finds! Love the little bunny....I definitely would have had to take him home to play with all my other bunnies!

  7. Oh what wonderful finds. Wish we had some of these wonderful thrift stores where I live.

  8. Oh Michelle, what delightful finds! I am loving those buttons and the bunny is just too sweet. It's always a pleasure to have you link up with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!

  9. I love little vintage cookbooks too! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Bliss Tuesday!


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