
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

on a victory rolls roll...

Lately, I've been trying to put more effort into my hair.
Often, I'll just throw it up in a topknot & call it good.
(Usually, because I haven't left myself enough time in my daily beauty routine
to do anything more involved.)
I so love the "victory rolls" from the 1940's. I really wanted to try to replicate them. Easier said than done on my slippery, straight hair. (So, Aqua Net to the rescue!) ;)
These pictures are not even my best attempt, but I happened to have enough time to get out the camera & take a couple snaps, so they'll have to do. :)

I can't seem to get them to stand upright, but that's ok. I rather like them this way too.
I have discovered in subsequent attempts that they turn out better
if a take a bit more hair than I did in these.
Please pardon the grumpy look on my face in this second picture. I'm not very good at serious faces. I always end up looking a bit angry. ha!

Ugh, my bangs...
I'm never quite sure what to do with them.
I go back & forth between having bangs cut in & then growing them back out.
I've looked at vintage ways to wear bangs on Pinterest
& generally they're just those bumper bangs.
I've tried them before & just don't really care for them on me.
Here are some of my inspirations found via good ol' Pinterest.
They are all from my pretty board.
Oh, I so love this first photo.
The rolls are not over the top, and they don't look devil horns or Mickey Mouse ears.
(Definitely not the look I'd be going for.)
I also like the way the rest of her hair is rolled back.
It's much like Sam's from Foyle's War.
(Which we've been watching & thoroughly enjoying! Per Kathryn & Lily's recommendation.)

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 Ooo, just look at all those curls in this next photo!
So very lovely.
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The photo below seems like a good way to hide unwanted bangs.
Just sweep them back with the rest of the quiff  and plaster them with hair spray.
This is next on my to-try list.
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Below is a good photo tutorial. My friend, Gussi, sent me this pin. In the message she sent with it she remarked that we should have a vintage hair day. Um, yeah! I bet I could get at least a couple of my sisters to go along with that scheme too. (I'm talking to YOU, Kelsey!) We could go get milkshakes, or get our pics taken in a photo booth, or something cute like that! Who's with me?! haha 
In the summertime, in the little town I live near, they have free concerts in the park on Friday evenings. They play mostly Big Band or Swing music. It would be such a blast to attend those sporting victory rolls and pretty frocks. It's mostly old folks who attend, and I'm quite sure they would get a big kick out it at least. ^_^

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Oh, I just love this with the scarf! Very Rosie the Riveter, no?
This is a fun style to wear whilst gardening or cleaning!

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Last, but not least,
I've really been enjoying listening to the charming music of The Secret Sisters.
They have a very vintage country sound. While I usually am not fond, at all, of modern country. (There are a very few exceptions.) I do like a lot of old country, and I absolutely love bluegrass. I guess I'm just a hillbilly at heart. ;)
These gals sing, in lovely harmony,
some of the mid-century country standards my Dad has always favored.
(From whom, I'm sure, I got my love for this sort of music.)
Their albums are offered on vinyl too!
So, I will shortly be adding them to my growing record collection.
But now, let me draw your attention to these gals' hair.
Let me tell you, their hair is a constant source of inspiration.
{Photo Source}

Just watch a few of their videos on YouTube & you'll see what I'm talking about.
In order to maintain my new blogging schedule this post had to be a little bit slap dash. I'm really hoping it doesn't seem so! Last week was super busy, and I wasn't able to plan/photograph an outfit or project. The past couple outfit posts worked out to where I could have my sister snap some pics while I was visiting her on our usual coffee klatch day. This is my plan for the foreseeable future, but I needed to watch my 2-year-old nephew Jack all that day this week. {So that his Momma could take the older two kiddos on a homeschooling field trip.} When you get James (Kels' 2-year-old) & Jack together there is just no sneaking away to snap pics. Not unless you want mass chaos to ensue. They get that pack mentality when they're together so constant supervision is required.  ;)
My family & I went to a fish fry at my dear friend Debbie's lovely home on Saturday. I had made a couple pies to bring, but neglected to take any pics of them. Ah well, they probably would only have made you all hungry anyway. Really I've just spared you all temptation. You're welcome. ;)
She made the most excellent homemade mac & cheese. Here is the recipe she used.
I can wait to try it at home!
On the knitting front: I have finally broken down & ordered the Wonderland Heather needed to complete my Victory Jumper, but I've just got the sleeves left of my Vintage Leaf Sweater so I'd like to finish it first. Mostly because it's a rather slow going pattern, and I'm afraid if I stop I won't start again. I know myself too well. Since the Victory Jumper goes along at such a chipper speed it won't take long at all to complete. 
Do you like to do your hair with a vintage vibe?
How do you feel about bangs?
What is your favorite {or least favorite} sort of music?


  1. You look gorgeous, Michelle! That hairstyle suits you quite perfectly.
    I too love to do vintage hairstyles, but it's always a bit of a struggle with slippery hair and all. And no...I've never been able to get my victory rolls to stand up either. Mine are usually not very victorious. ;) I have come to love snoods very much - they are SO handy for lazy and unsuccessful hair days!
    My favorite music is old-fashioned hymns, classical music and 1940s music (like Deanna Durbin). I could listen to that all day long! :)
    I've been looking forward to your post today! It certainly did not seem thrown together at all. I can't wait for next Tuesday! :)

    1. Thanks, Esther! You're so sweet.
      "not very victorious" haha! :)
      I've never tried a snood. hmm...
      Oh, I love all the music you mentioned too! We're such kindred spirits. ;)
      I always look forward to your posts as well.

  2. So enjoyed your post Michelle! Your hair looks so pretty and soft! I personally am a big fan of bangs. : ) I have always had bangs. Once I tried growing them out and it only took about a month before I cut them again. I have never had great success with vintage hair styles due to my hair being slippery too- I'll have to look for Aqua Net! Growing up my mom would play Patsy Cline's records, I always liked old country music. My favorite music would be hymns, classical and musicals. Lately I have been listening to Randy Travis' cd of hymns- it is one of my favorites! Have a great week!!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I love hymns, classical, and some musicals as well. :) You have a great week too, my friend!

  3. I thought you looked wonderful on Sat at the cookout. I'm not used to seeing a serious expression on your face! :D

    1. Aw, thanks Debs! Yeah, I usually don't wear a serious expression...sometimes confused or amused, but rarely serious. ;)

  4. Oh lala Michelle, that Tennessee Me song was REALLY purty! ~Ang

  5. I loved this post! Ramble-y, in the nicest sort of way. :-D

    Your hairstyle is so cute! I too have slippery hair- so I feel your pain! I've found that setting my hair overnight really helps- the hair finally gets the message that I want it to defy gravity. :-P I'm not a big one for bangs, but there are face shapes that are definitely more suited to them (and in need of them ;-)). I find that they can be a bit confining for vintage- as you said, it's usually the "bumper bangs". Have you read "Vintage Hairstyling" by Lauren Rennells? she has a couple "bang variation" styles. It's a great book besides that too!

    The outing with your sisters sounds like SUCH fun! I hope you get around to doing it this summer! :-) Those Friday concerts sound like fun- Gretel and I should try to make it to one this year. :-)

    As for music.... my taste is fairly varied, but not too surprising. ;-) I tend towards silence, so I rarely listen- when I do, I enjoy big band (in small doses), classical, renaissance (mostly, but there are some instruments I don't care for), and soundtracks (this category varies a lot, but I usually like sweeping dramatic themes and minor keys ;-))

    1. Thanks, Lily! That's just a little sample of the inner workings of my poor brain. haha!
      I haven't read that book - I'll have to check that out. :D
      You would love the concerts. You gals should totally come sometime!
      Your preference for silence makes me think of my sister Aimee. (Must be an oldest daughter thing.) ;) Ooo, I like some soundtracks too, and minor keys. My favorite right now is from Miss Potter. And Little Women is a perennial favorite. :)

  6. Ohh I heart your hair!! Yes I can see us doing our hair all vintage and going to those awesome concerts!!:D xoxoxo

  7. Good morning! Thank you for the sweet comment you left on our blog! I have found such a sweet blog here! :) I also love the victory rolls and bluegrass music so I will check out your recommendations. I look forward to following along and would like to invite you to our homemaking link up (The Art of Home-Making Mondays) on Mondays. Hope your week is off to a good start!

    1. Welcome, JES! I will definitely check out your link up! I'm rather new to link parties, but so far they're proving a very good way to make new blogging friends. :D

  8. Good morning, lovely lady! Your hair looks beautiful and you have inspired me to think outside of the box :) I love vintage hairstyles, but like I often run out of time in the mornings to do anything special with my hair. I have bangs and I have had them for most of my life - they are the thick kind that go to my eyebrows :)

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration - you have truly inspired me, dear friend. Hugs!

    1. Hulloo Stephanie & thank you! I had bangs like that in one of my adventures in bangs wearing. ;) They look so well on you!

  9. Hello sweet dear, your hair looks terrific! I love the look of Victory rolls, but have never really been able to properly do them. When I had my natural hair still, it was always to thin and my wig doesn't allow for most styles of updos, as lifting up the "hair" shows the woven cap beneath. I so wish they'd make wigs that allowed for more realistic styling! Oh well, it's great to get my VR fix though my fellow vintage loving ladies and from old photos and illustrations that include them - and who knows, maybe one day I'll hit on a wig that lets me sport them at long last, too (oh, happy day that would be!).

    Sending tons of hugs & happy Friday wishes your way!
    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* My scarf order arrived today and it's 100% fantastic! Thank you again immensely for it, as well as for the lovely note and beautiful packaging job. I really hope I can order from you again one day, Michelle.

    1. Oh, that's a bummer that you are unable to wear Victory Rolls. :( I wonder if there is some sort of clip-in hair that you could achieve the look with...

      I'm so happy you received your scarf! I always hold my breath until I get confirmation that mailed parcels arrived safely. {You just never know with the old P.O.!} ;)

      Thanks so much for your sweet comment! :D
      <3 Michelle ^_^

  10. Good morning, my dear! I just wanted to let you know that this sweet post was featured at Roses of Inpsiration today :) Thanks for joining the party last week. Hugs and blessings!

    1. Oh my goodness - how exciting! Thanks so much for featuring me, Stephanie!

  11. Such beautiful hairstyle inspiration, Miss Michelle! I love you you did your looks so stylish and professional...
    I would love to spend more time on doing my hair in different styles...
    Blessings and love!

    1. Thanks so much, Kelly-Anne! You should give it a try sometime!

      Blessings back at ya!
      Michelle ^_^


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