
Sunday, June 5, 2016

hulloooo there...

Remember me?
I'm Michelle.
(You know, that gal who writes this blog.)
Hee hee, saying "hulloo" always makes me think of Winnie the Pooh ^-^, but I digress.
So, I've been doing well.
The Lord is good.
So good.
So faithful.
My life has been quite filled with good things.
That's what I am.
I kept meaning to get back on board with this blogging business.
Time just kept slipping away bit by bit.
Before I knew it months had passed.
It's a bit like jumping into a swinging jump rope.
Well, I mean, it's not like I'd get smacked in the face with a rope or anything, but still.
I think you catch my drift. ;)

Lately, I've been Instagramming a lot.
I'm kind of into making Bible verse or godly quote pictures such as the ones above.
And this...

Oh, and just to thoroughly confuse y'all my name on there is now miss_strawberry_shortgirl.
It's completely random.
Don't ask me why.
I just thought it would be fun to have name...just for fun. ;P
My mind can be so like a butterfly flitting from one pretty thing to the next.
I am trying to discipline this mind of mine more.
Dwelling on lovely things is good, indeed it's scriptural.
But I can't just stop there.
I'm trying to delve deeper.
To know.
To know Him.
More & more everyday.
The depths.
The riches.
But I'll do my best as far as He enables me.
No more scratch & sniff Christianity for this girl.
He paid far too great a price to make me His.

Also, just lately I've been crocheting like a fiend.
(If fiends actually do crochet. Don't quote me on that...I'm not 100% sure.)

Having been an avid knitter for so many years I was skeptical as to whether crocheting was even a necessary skill for me to acquire. After all, just about anything crochet could do knit could do better, or so I thought.
I can see now why people are so in love with the craft.
It does work up so fast.
And ya just can't beat a classic granny square for that old fashioned kitschy charm.
I've heard people say crochet is easier than knitting, but that I don't see.
I think they're both easy once you get the hang of it.
There are definite pluses to both.

Oh, and I've just been spending as much time as is humanly possible with my babies & my sisters.

These truly are the good old days.

I know I will miss these days terribly when they're passed & gone.

So for now I cherish every moment that will soon be a memory.

I stare at their little faces to try to memorize them.

I always give them a sniff & a squeeze so I can always remember their smell & squishiness.

For it won't be long before they're all grown & patting me on the head.

As I said before...
I'm blessed beyond measure.

Well, sorry about the barrage of pictures.
All of them shamelessly stolen from my Instagram feed.

Thank you for all the kind words from those of you wondering just where I'd got to.
Here I am though.
I hope to stay.
By His grace.
For His glory.

Much Love,
Miss Michelle


  1. Woohoo!! You're back! Nice to see you on here, friend! :-)

  2. In the words of #1, "Fanks a lot!!!" Now my mascara is running, ;-) Love ya! P.S...I always pictured it halloo!! :-D

    1. Lol...sooooorraaaay!
      (And I pulled out my copy of Winnie the Pooh & it's in there both ways. So, I've heard it both way. Literally.) ;P xo

  3. {{{hug}}}
    SO good to "see" you again, miss michelle. or should i say "miss strawberry short girl." ;) what a wonderful post to dip your toes into blogdom once again. you're a lovely lady with **such** a sweet heart for Jesus. always a joy visiting here... i have an instagram account but i've no idea how to use it. i see it the same as owning a smart phone. i probably shouldn't own an instagram account nor a smart phone. i miss 'party lines.'

    1. {hugs} to you too, Sherry! ^_^ Thank you for your kind words.
      If we lived nearer I would definitely come over & help you figure out your phone & Instagram to the best of my abilities, such as they are... ;)

  4. I'm glad you posted again! And the quotes are all so great. I've just gotten into crochet too after decades of knitting! I would love to show you what I've done since you were so kind to show yours off!

  5. I was so happy to see your post in my blog feed! : ) The scriptures paired with your photographs are beautiful, and such an encouragement. It is fun to see your crocheting projects. I learned to crochet first, and then knit. I mostly crocheted for years; it is very addicting! All of your projects look so cheerful, the colors are terrific.

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I've missed you all so much. ^_^ It seems more usual for people to learn crocheting first from what I've heard, but leave it to me to do things backwards. heehee! ;) Crocheting IS so addicting & fun!


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