
Saturday, October 3, 2015

i'm thankful...

I'm thankful that He made me weak...
that His power might be mightily shown.
{2 Corinthians 12:9+10}
I'm thankful that He made me small...
that His greatness may be magnified.
(as the small fish & few loaves made to feed a multitude)
{Mark 8:7}
I'm thankful that He made me lowly...
(though I'm not even as lowly as I need be)
that I might know how very high He is.
{Psalm 138:6}
I'm thankful that He made me childlike...
that He, my Father, may be trusted in all things.
{Matthew 11:25}
I'm thankful that He gave me a quiet life...
that He may be all people hear in me,
& that I may clearly hear His voice.
{1 Thessalonians 4:11}
I'm thankful that He made me to know the very brief span of my intellect...
that I do not try to confine Him or His thoughts and ways within that infinitesimal sphere.
{Romans 11:33-36}
I'm thankful that He made me loving...
that I might have an inkling of His great love,
and I strive to exhibit His perfect Calvary Love more and more in my hopelessly imperfect way.
{1 John 4:7-14}
I'm thankful for the "talents" He's entrusted to this unworthy servant...
that I may strive to double them before my Master's return.
{Matthew 25:14-23}
I'm thankful that He keeps this heart that is prone to wander on a short tether...
because He is faithful to complete the work begun in me.
{Philippians 1:6}
I'm thankful that He, the King, made me His daughter...
that I can only be joined to an approved suitor, for the furtherance of His Kingdom.
If He so chooses to join me to one of His sons.
If not...
I can wait 'til I'm joined, with the rest of His church, to His most Beloved Son,
Who gave His life to ransom mine.
" the praise of the glory of His grace..."
{1 John 3:1+2} {Ephesians 5:27}
Caleb & I broke up nearly 2 weeks ago.
We had a disagreement.
I don't know what the end result of this will be yet.
The Lord has taught me so much through this.
I just wanted to share...
to testify...
of what He has been teaching me.
Many psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs have been a great blessing.
This one is particularly dear at the moment.
Please be praying for us both.
That the Lord's power would be perfected in our weakness.
For His glory.


  1. Dear Michelle,

    You are definitely in my prayers! I pray that the LORD will guide and direct you both. This is such a beautiful post!


  2. I'm sorry, but I'll be praying. The Potter is making you into something more beautiful for His glory. It will be worth it- or He would not do it.

  3. Replies
    1. Lol! Apparently blogger doesn't do emojis. ;) I catch your drift though Aims. <3

  4. Oh, dearest Miss Michelle!
    This was a beautifully written post and such a joy to read...may Jesus strengthen and direct your steps...blessings in Him!

  5. I heard a great quote today:

    “Everything is necessary that God sends. Nothing can be necessary that he withholds!” – John Newton

  6. This is beautiful and heartfelt. Praying for you in this trial, dear Michelle. He is faithful. And we all love you dearly. <3

    1. Thanks so much, Lily. He is faithful, indeed! I love you all right back. :)

  7. {{{.gentle hug.}}} & *.*much prayer*.* .......


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