
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

THE Miss Lemon Sweater - Part 3 - The Finished Project...

I attended a Midwinter Literary Ball on Saturday,
 hosted by Lily (of Mode de Lis) and her family.
I had such a lovely time!
 Unfortunately, I didn't get "oodles" of photos of my sweater as I had intended.
I did get at least one nice shot with my sister Kelsey.
(She was Eloise!)

{Photo Credit my sweet Bro-in-law Jesse}
It was a delightful evening of English & Scottish Country Dancing.
I didn't even step on anyone's toes!
(Although Kelsey & I did collide and bounce off each other once.) ;)
I worked on my sweater the entire day of the party.
I had finished my knitting the day before and was working on sewing it up.
After I had one sleeve sewn in I tried it on just for kicks.
Much to my chagrin I discovered that the cap of the sleeve was oddly bulky.
It was about two sizes too big on top!
I tried to think of some way to just make it work, but it was clear I'd have to rework the tops.
I pulled out a vintage pattern with the same set in sleeves I was looking for.
They, thankfully, worked out perfectly.
It must have just been some kind of typo in the first pattern I used.
(I made sure to mark some notes on there so this never happens again!) ;)
For my hair I attempted some finger waves using a curling iron.
Then I just put my hair up in a low up-do - trying to keep the sides loose and drapey.
I had wanted to try the tiny curls Miss Lemon does on her forehead, but
alas, I didn't have enough time.
Here is a close up of the bow.
I'm really pleased with how it turned out!
I had some shiny vintage black buttons in my stash that worked perfectly too.
Overall I'm very pleased with my sweater.
Of course my mind has already moved on &
I'm busily dreaming up new vintage knits to keep my fingers flying.
But, first I must finish Aimee's cabled sweater!
Off I go to work on that now.
(And watch some Poirot.)


  1. Adorable!!!! Miss Lemon was such a wonderful addition to the ball- thanks so much for attending! :-)

  2. So cute! I'm in awe of your knitting prowess, and I'm a sucker for anything with bows. :-) It was great to see you again!

    1. Thanks Kathryn! I'm rather fond of bows myself. ;) It was great to see you again as well! :D

  3. So beautiful!! You did such a wonderful job!! You look lovely, and so does your sweater. I love bows, and especially love shiny buttons!! :)

  4. The sweater turned out beautifully! I couldn't imagine working on a sweater up till the last minute. I would have been nerve-wracked to the greatest degree. But, as I said, the sweater turned out be-a-ut-i-ful-ly!!!

    the Middle Sister and Singer

    1. Thanks! Working on it up to the last minute definitely was not ideal. I was a wee bit nerve-wracked - many cups of tea were necessary to keep my strength up. ;) I'm so thankful it turned out!

  5. You did a terrific job replicating the original!! What a fun ball to attend. You are so creative. : )

  6. Your sweater is lovely. . As are you. What a fun time that party was, I'm sure. :)

  7. Huzzah! You finished the sweater! It looks absolutely perfect, and very, very pretty on you! What a fun thing that you got to attend the Literary Ball!

    All smiles and much applause!

    Jessica, the eldest sister & singer

  8. I can't tell you how impressed I am with your Miss Lemon sweater it looks just perfect! and you knitted it so quickly too, its marvellous!! xx


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