
Friday, January 31, 2014

what i've been up to...

Here are a few things that've been keeping me busy:
Call me crazy, but I love ironing. Especially when it's a beautiful vintage sheet. 


I recently hit the jackpot on vintage linens at my favorite thrift store!
I recovered a little foot stool which I also found at my favorite thrift store.


Got it for $1! Woo-hoo!

This beautiful fabric was a vintage curtain that I bought at a garage sale.

Here it is in situ. Please pardon the mess! :D

Made for a custom order. All in PINK! :D

My fair isle sweater is coming right along!

What have you been up to?


  1. I'm with you on loving ironing! Which turns out to be rather convenient since 90% of my wardrobe requires it! ;-)


    PS I don't know how I managed to miss your blog until a couple weeks ago, but I love it! I was rather pleased to see it show up in my feed this evening. :-)

  2. Aw, you're so sweet! :) I sure enjoy reading your blog too. :D


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