
Friday, January 31, 2014

what i've been up to...

Here are a few things that've been keeping me busy:
Call me crazy, but I love ironing. Especially when it's a beautiful vintage sheet. 


I recently hit the jackpot on vintage linens at my favorite thrift store!
I recovered a little foot stool which I also found at my favorite thrift store.


Got it for $1! Woo-hoo!

This beautiful fabric was a vintage curtain that I bought at a garage sale.

Here it is in situ. Please pardon the mess! :D

Made for a custom order. All in PINK! :D

My fair isle sweater is coming right along!

What have you been up to?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

i heart january

Why, you ask?
Well, I like being snowed in.
I don't have an outside job. So I CAN stay in if I need to. And I'm a homebody. So I like to. :)
When you're "stuck" at home you finally have time for all the fiddly bits that need done.

~Cleaning out messy area's (ahem the sewing room)
Sorry no pics of that. It still doesn't look THAT great. But it is at least organised.

~Sewing heart shaped patches on the knees of your nieces favorite pair long johns janes.

She'll be pleased as Punch about these!

I also made myself a tunic length pj shirt of the same fabric as Abbey's knee patches.
Sorry, no pics of that either...

 While cleaning out the sewing room I came across these old quilt squares that I've been meaning to sew into a pillow for quite some time now. So I did! :)

Another great thing about January is you really get to enjoy your non-Christmas-y-but-still-wintery decor.

Tea & cottages. So cozy. Hey, just like being snowed in! :D
Stay warm!
Love, Michelle ^_^

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

things that have nothing to do with each other, but i felt the need to blog about...

'Nough said.
Here is my blue velvet dress on Christmas Eve!

Back view of the lace & bow.
Here is a sweater I finished a little while back, but didn't get a pic until now.
I call it my Robin Egg Sweater 'cuz a friend of mine pointed out how much like a robin's egg it was.

Here's what I'm working on now.