
Thursday, September 22, 2016

what Astrid & I made {cozy rosie corduroy frock}...

Happy 1st Day of Fall, Y'all!

Yesterday afternoon & evening Astrid & I had fun making this frock! I had it cut out and ready to go since probably January or February, but once the weather turned warm it got shoved in the ufo pile. It felt good to pull it out of there & finally get it done.

It was my first time trying out Astrid & she worked like a charm! The only difficulty was trying to remember that the reverse thingy is on the left not the right like my old machine.  My hand waffled back and forth a couple times before my brain could remind it that we're using a new machine now. *wink*

I used Simplicity 1080 a Dottie Angel pattern. I love her style! I've made a few frocks from this pattern. So, I felt confident to make some changes this time. I swapped out the tucks in the front & ties 'round the back for a bit of elastic at the waist in front & back. So comfy!

Our family tradition for the 1st day of Autumn is to visit out favorite orchard. Such a perfect outing to try out my new frock. ^_^

I love my jellies from Sunjellies! Do you remember those jelly sandals we wore in the 80s & 90s? Do you remember the blisters? Yeah, well these are not like that at all! So soft & bendable. And they come in the best colors! I also have the pale yellow pair. They make me want a banana Laffy Taffy real bad. *wink* I want to get the peach & mint pairs as well. {swoon} It made me even more in love with these when I learned that these original French jelly sandals were first made in the 1940s! I can't wait to wear them with tights when the weather turns. {On a side note Sunjellies also offers darling jelly bags that are perfect for toting around current knit or crochet projects in utterly adorable & kitschy style. I want one in every color!}

Here's to Fall. One of my 4 favorite seasons. Enjoy these fleeting days of harvest and colorful & crunchy leaves, and evenings of cozy comforts while the wind whips through the trees.

Oh and...
That's just the way it is. Random. But true.

Happy Autumn, dear ones!
Miss Michelle

Thursday, September 15, 2016

vintage garage sale on Instagram...

Heads up blog friends!

I'm having a sale on Instagram!

Get ready for good deals galore on vintage goodies from my stash!

Go, go, go!

Miss Michelle

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

crazy for daisies...

I'm sure by now you've noticed I've been tweaking my blog appearance.
I think I've finally settled on this vintage daisy theme. The inspiration was a vintage daisy feedsack in my collection.
I know I've mentioned it before that daisies are my favorite so I thought it was only right that they should feature heavily in my blog theme. ^_^

One of my most recent crochet projects is daisy granny squares. They are so much fun! I'm really enjoying experimenting with different colors for the background with stash yarn. My favorite is the aqua, naturally. ^_~

I tried out the "join as you go method" for joining some squares & I loved it. I used this tutorial found on Pinterest.  {Oh, I followed this tutorial for the daisy grannies, also found on Pinterest. I ♡ you, Pinterest! *blows kisses*}

I'm so in love with my new theme that I even committed to having some [square!] business cards made.

Happy Tuesday!
Much Love,
Miss Michelle ^_^

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

meet Astrid the aqua sewing machine! {+ what I've been up to lately}...

 Isn't she a beaut?
She's actually a bit darker colored in person.
(It's so hard to get a good pic indoors.)
My sweet parents made my day year by buying me this retro chic sewing machine in my favorite color.
She'll be perfect for stitching up more bedsheet dresses such as...
this one that I made this past week.
I've also been doing a bit of decorating.
These pink wall pocket baskets were a steal of a deal for 70 cents from a favorite antique mall that was {sadly} closing. The faux strawberry plants were dissected from a thrift store find for $3.50.
{Isn't faux such a much nicer way to say fake? *wink*}
This sweet planter from Target, reminiscent of a vintage head vase, was originally intended to have a succulent atop her head, but I think that this pink yarn bun fits my style even better! Doesn't she look like a giant egg cup though? *giggles*
This wire wastebasket was from the dollar section of Target for $3!
It makes such fun & cute storage for extra yarn leftover from previous projects.
The colors of this baby blankie I made for a friend's baby girl make me think of yummy saltwater taffy.
Though it may be in the 90s still outside in my neck of the woods,
inside our house it is decidedly Autumnal,
September 1st being our un-official first day of Fall.
Lovely 70s are forecast for next week though.
I can hardly wait for crisp air, colorful crunchy leaves, snuggly sweaters, & sturdy boots.
What have you been up to?
Much love,
Miss Michelle ^_^