
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

the littlest of things...

laundry drying on the line...

wicker laundry baskets in the green grass...

bumbles going about their business...
dappled sunlight through the treetops...
rain falling on the green fields...
{ever so rarely this year though}

running through the sprinkler...
and sprinkler rainbows...

sharing a best friends necklace with my 7 year old niece...

blowing bubbles...

picking these wild gems...

eating cheese & apples...

{and iced coffee}

ice cream...
 {with crunchies}

{or with rainbow sprinkles}

country roads with red barns...

and round bales...

riding the ferris wheel at the carnival...

spending as much time out of doors as possible...

it's the littlest of things that make summer...
well, SUMMER!

I hope you're all enjoying yours so far.
What makes summer *Summer* to you?

Much love,
Miss Michelle

{Photos taken by me except the two of Abbey & me. Those were taken by my sisters Aimee & Beth}

Sunday, June 26, 2016

my 100th post & one of the most intimidating experiences of my life...

The night before I had a dream, well a nightmare I guess, that I forgot our nice camera & accidentally brought my first digital camera. It's about the size of a credit card and there's a piece of tape over the battery compartment to keep it from popping open due to hitting the deck one too many times.
Needless to say I was relieved to awake.
I warned her.
I warned her that I'm not a professional.
I don't have a professional camera.
I'm not a very commanding person...
so I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get everyone to look at me & say cheese.
She's a brave gal & she said she didn't care.
She wanted me to take their wedding pics.
My sweet & beautiful cousin Hannah {& her honey, Matt}.
The closer that fine day got, the more nervous I got.
She assured me she'd still love me even if they turned out horrible.
The thing is we aren't just cousins. 
This girl is like another sister to me.
We grew up just a couple blocks away from each other.
It was really an honor to take the photos at her wedding.
And thankfully she did like them.
Hannah & Matthew ~ September 26, 2015
But just look at these cuties.
Kinda hard to take a bad pic.

 Dad's first look at his little girl as a bride. <3

We did some cross country photo taking.
Some of the highlights being my sister's barn, a beautiful local church, & a gorgeous old home on a brick street.  Hans was a wonderful bride. Not a bridezilla in the least. In the midst of these barn pics we discovered that her skirt had become infested with a bajillion baby grasshoppers. She didn't even freak out then! What a gal. hahaha...good times...good times...
{That's one to tell to the grandkids one day, Hannie.} ;)
 I couldn't help but try some of the vintagey filters on these church pics.
And I tried really hard not to sing "Going to the Chapel" whilst snapping my fingers in the process, but to no avail.
Who am I kidding I didn't even try not to. ;P 
The 3 amigos: Kels, Hans, & Gus

 My sister Kelsey, the matron of honor, was 9 months pregnant with JoelyPants.
She was terrified she was going to go into labor during the ceremony, but thankfully did not. Ha!

I've known these lovely ladies & dear sisters in Christ since we were all little girls. The best part about taking photos of people you know and love is that you can make them laugh like this. ^_^ I love making people laugh as much as I love laughing. :D And I love it when people smile like they mean it. Don't play. Smile like you mean it. ;P

Hannah & her "little" brother Noah
 He loooooves his sisser. 

 My nephew Wes thought it would be totes hilar-lar to photobomb the groom's shots.
(I'll admit I thought it was pretty funny myself. I don't know where he gets it.) 
Now you see him

Now you don't ;)

Mother & Son

 I don't know Matt's family as well as Hannah's of course, but they are just the sweetest people.
Our families mesh very well.

 Noah's still not quite sure about this Matt character...
 but Hannah seems pretty sure.  
Gus wrote & performed a beautiful song for the happy couple.
You can hear it here: Cleave to You
See the pretty ruffley backdrop thingy?
I got to sneak behind that to take the next pics.
{Like a stealthy ninja sniper photographer. *cue pink panther theme*}
And then my worst nightmare happened.
No, not the camera one.
I. missed. the. first. kiss.
My camera decided to be a stinky & take it's sweet time like it is prone to do in poor lighting.
a reenactment was necessary.
The empty auditorium is kind of a nice touch though in my humble opinion.
But guess what?
She was true to her word & didn't hate me.
Not even a little.
 So, by God's grace they did not, in fact, turn out horrible.
He really carried me that day.
I felt extremely inadequate to the task at hand,
my heart was in turmoil because I had just broken up with my boyfriend,
& I tend to be a squishy puddle of emotional-giftedness anyway at weddings of my loved ones,
but He carried me through it all.
He's so good.
Now as I look back at these photos, nine months later, I can recall to mind His faithfulness.
He's always been faithful to me.
"This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope.
The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness."
{Lamentations 3:21-23} 
Hannah & Matt,
I pray that the Lord will bless you with many happy years together.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve Him by serving you in this way.
Love you lots!

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
 And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight."
{Proverbs 3:5+6}