
Monday, December 23, 2013

very soon it will be Christmas day!

"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt amoung us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14


These are one of my favorite cookies!
I got the recipe from my Mema (Dad's mom).
I'm never quite sure what to call them...
I've heard them call Mexican Wedding Cookies, Italian Wedding Cookies, or Snowballs.
Anyroad, they're delish!
Now you may have had these before, but if your recipe doesn't read as follows it ain't the same thing!
Here is the recipe:
1c. flour
1/2c. powdered sugar
1/2c. corn starch*
3/4c. butter, softened
1/2c. nuts, finely chopped, optional
Sift dry ingredients together in a medium bowl. Set aside.
In a large bowl cream butter then slowly mix in dry ingredients & nuts if desired.
Roll teaspoonsful into balls at place on parchment lined baking sheets.
Bake at 300*F for 20-25 minutes. Cool on a wire rack & dust generously with powdered sugar.
It's the CORN STARCH that makes the difference. Trust me they - melt in your mouth!

Here is my dress!
Sorry for the poor quality of the pictues, I took them with my phone.
I wore it yesterday to church. Hopefully someone can snap a pic of me in it tomorrow. 

I am pretty pleased
with it! I wear it with a
red plaid belt & black heels. Oh, also in the back opening I sewed in some black lace. :)

Also,I'm officially DONE with all my Christmas gifts! Woo-hoo!

Have a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

a pair of precious Christmas cardis...

For my little nephews James & Jack. We're already having problems with calling them the wrong names since they both start with the same letter...might as well add to the confusion! ;)

red thread!
what's not to love about a pom-pom?

Wait, what does this have to do with anything? hee hee just kiddin'. My weekly bread turned out so well today I just had to snap a pic. (And share it of course.)
Just checking things of the Christmas gift list one by one! :D

Saturday, December 14, 2013

cold snow, fragrant greenery & hot tea...

This is an arrangement made with some fallen branches.

This one's for you, Debbie (Of His Pasture)

i'll wear bluuuuuuue velvet...

This is the pattern I'll be using...

& here is the fabric!
(Sorry about the lame-ness of the photo. The basement is very hard to take photos in...
but the new flooring was very nice for cutting out fabric!)

Stayed tuned for updates on my Blue Velvet Christmas Frock. ^_^

Thursday, December 12, 2013

i saw mommy kissing...

Daddy on the front porch...

and they left me shut in the house!

I took my sister's (Kelsey ) family pics for Christmas cards this past Sunday.
It was so cold out & we wanted to get a few of Kels & Jesse by themselves
so we popped lil guy inside to stay warm.
He was NOT pleased.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

a very calico critter Christmas


Have you ever heard of Calico Critters?
They're just about the cutest toys around right now.
I happen to have (quite) a few.
(Yes, I know how old I am, they're just too cute!)

"Hullo Isobel, have you any currants? I'm completely out and I need to start my Christmas pudding!"
You can't tell from the pic, but that fireplace is actual lit. :)
And of course they're are originally from England (called Sylvanian Families there) so when you speak for them you have to do it in a British accent.
(And rather high pitched and sqeaky since they ARE mice & cats & such.)
Tee hee. ^_^

Saturday, December 7, 2013

deck the halls...

Well I completely skipped Autumn on my poor bloggy!
It was a very good one this year. It seemed to last and last.
We did all the Fall-ish things that had to be done.
I am very fond of Autumn, but I have to admit...
I'm one of those crazies who love Winter.
Warm woolens, hot drinks, spicy scented baked goodies, a fire in the hearth, and a flickering candle...
but most of all - Christmas!
(Which involves all of the aforementioned assets but added to the list: caroling at the top of your lungs, feverishly knitting objects for gifts, and decking the halls, to list just a few.)

This beautiful wardrobe is a new addition to my room. (Thanks Dad!)

I want to put some greenery in the pitcher.

I don't know who is in this old pic, but don't you just LOVE their 20's style?!

This vintage-y deer is from Target

Hey Sweet Thang!

My favorite Shiny Brite

This fabulous Ladies Home Journal came from an Antique Mall for $2! Woo-hoo!

Friday, October 11, 2013

jack's wee waistcoat

Tomorrow is Jack-jack's 1st birthday party!
I made this waistcoat both for Jack & his cousin James.
Since they are only a couple months apart in age
I thought it would just be easier for Auntie to make the same thing for them both.
I hope to get a photo of them both in their little woolies.
Here is the finished product minus bebe:
Here is a closeup to the point at the bottom.

The pattern is by Debbie Bliss (Naturally.)
From the Spring/Summer 2013 issue of her magazine.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

babies don't keep

I made this embroidery for my friend Sammy Jo.
She is a foster mother & we just had a "Celebration of Motherhood" luncheon for her.
(A baby shower of sorts.)
Instead of giving the normal baby shower gifts of clothing & baby essentials
she requested that we bring certain items to be put in backpacks and donated to their foster care agency.
This was such a neat idea!
She wanted nothing for herself.
But she should've known that was out of the question. ;)
The party coordinator had the idea for us to 
 give her a 'token of motherhood' to show our love for her.
Some of the suggestions given were: a small gift card for a meal or pampering experience, a note of encouragement, or something handmade.
Well, naturally, she had me at 'handmade'. :) 
I'd recently seen this little poem on Pinterest
and it reminded me that Mom had said she had a little plaque with this sweet quotation.
I thought it would be appropriate for either a birth mom, a foster mom, or adoptive mom.
I've already had demands  requests from my sisters for one of their own.
I'm planning on stitching some up for the shop.
Feel free to email me if you want to request one with custom colors. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

more goodies on etsy & get 20% off

Become a follower of this blog and get a coupon code for 20% off your first order in my shop.
If you are already a follower and would like the coupon code email me at 4thebirdies at g mail dot com.

Here are a few more items for sale in my etsy shop.
Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flower? Clip on earrings and brooch

Vintage children's book. Featuring Alice in Wonderland.

It has many full color illustrations. Great for framing or an art project!

Vintage Cowgirl Book.

3 Vintage Dick & Jane style readers.

2 Currier & Ives Winter Farm Scene Dessert Plates

Monday, September 9, 2013

autumn decor

It may be in the 90s outside,
but it feels like Fall inside!

During the Spring & Summer I cover this red chair with a pink chenille bedspread
to go better with my Spring/Summer pastel decor.
Come September I'm ready to take the bold hue again.
I also swap out my yellow, pink, & blue pastel plaid throw
for the Autumnal shaded one seen here.
This sweet little Sunday School chair always has a stack of vintage books on it.

My sister made me this cute Fall stitchery.

"It's Autumn?!
A time of hot chocolatey mornings,
and toasty marshmallowy evenings,
and best of all
~Winnie the Pooh
(From the movie Pooh's Grand Adventure)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

ballerina sweater

I've made quite a few gifts from this pattern by Debbie Bliss.
This is the most recent one I've made.
I made it for my friend Angela's sweet little girl.
I added a fabric yo-yo because Ang enjoys a bit of farmgirl chic just like me. :)

I used Knit Picks' Comfy sport in Flamingo.
Here it is all wrapped & ready to go!
Sometimes wrapping things up is just as much fun as making the item. :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

vintage garage sale

I'm having a garage sale, of sorts, in my etsy shop.
While getting out our fall decorations from storage
I came across a box of mine mislabeled  "Fall".
It was actually vintage treasures that I had packed away
when I got my new room when Kels got married.
I've been trying to clean out my storage bit by bit.
So to etsy the things I can bear to part with must go.
There's more to come.
Here is what I've listed thus far.
 Little Susie Homemaker Salt & Pepper
 British craft magazine Mollie Makes
Vintage pattern advertisement poster
 Vintage crochet baby bloomers

Itty bitty bluebird salt & pepper shakers
Vintage 1/2 Pint Milk Bottle